Empower Your Journey! Website Building For SENIORS Entrepreneurs

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"Alan's new book, "Empower Your Journey! Website Building For Senior Entrepreneurs hit the shelves.  Now he's talking to the real KOOL kids"

In the age where digital jobs are as common as iced lattes, 68-year-old best-selling author Alan, has written another one entitled, “Empower Your Journey: Website Building for SENIOR Entrepreneurs”.

His journey is not just a quest to help SENIORS build Websites. It’s an adventure into the heart of what the “KOOOL” kids are doing these days.

Empower Your Journey! Website Building For SENIORS Entrepreneurs

So, Alan decided to “HANG WIT DEM”. He came right out and asked them, “Wut Iz Yu Kiddos Inta Nowadays?”. He could hardly believe it, they all said that they were into “Affiliate Marketing”.

Wow! Could “Affiliate Marketing” be his ticket to Online stardom,

or is he destined for TikTok fame?

"Alan is sitting on his desk which has a cardboard sign behind him that says Tik Tok"

“I Thought Only Clocks Went TikTok”

Alan’s already known in Hickman, as the “FILL-EE-IT-MARK-U-TR. He has become a Millionaire selling Stray Cats with “Phee-los-u-fer Names” and selling “Stuffed Animals”.

He is also in Ka-hoots with a partner named “Bubba”. Alan became successful by discovering the Wealthy Affiliate. Now, he wants to tell SENIORS and the KOOOL KIDS about Affiliate Marketing and Building Websites. 

.Alan Selling Stray Cats”

Alan’s already known in Hickman as the “FILL-EE-IT-MARK-U-TR”. He has become a Millionaire selling Stray Cats with Phee-los-u-fer and Snak Bar Names, selling Stuffed Animals, and now he’s a famous best-selling author. He’s also in Ka-hoots with a partner named  “Bubba”. 

"Stray cats with Philosopher Names"

“Cats With Philosopher Names, Kats Kant Spell”

"Alan in a room full of Stuffed Animals, he's hugging them"

“Alan LUVS His Stuffed Animals”

"Alan sitting in front of the computer with his partner Bubba"

“Alan And Bubba Are Business Partners”

"Alan and Bubba showing off their line of GensinBear Collection"

“Bubba and Alan Show the GinsenBear Collection”

So, Alan became wealthy overnight because he was able to find the Wealthy Affiliate. They will teach you all about Affiliate Marketing. So, SENIORS and KOOOL Kids, REJOICE!

Now, what would the Website be about? Alan’s exploration began with a simple Google Search, but he quickly found himself tumbling down a rabbit hole of endless opportunities, each more bewildering than the last.

Alan who was riddled with ADHD lost his train of thought for a moment, and said, “I Did Think That TikTok was the sound a clock made,” Alan confessed with a chuckle, “But apparently, it’s where you can become famous for “DANCIN’ WIT YER KAT”.

"Alan auditioning for TikTok dancing with cats"

“Alan A-dish-en-in For TikTok Dancin’ Wit DA Kats”

Sorry! Lost my mind for a second. So, determined to understand the youth’s domain, Alan considered surveying local high school students.

However, he abandoned the idea after visualizing a group of teenagers trying to explain “VIRAL MEMES” to him. “I might as well learn a new language,” he quipped.

Alan is no stranger to “AFFILIATE MARKETING”, where he learned to make money by “PROMOTIN’ PRODUCTS“, but this is the 21st Century.

Enthused by the prospect, Alan imagined himself as the new face of TRENDY” products like “ERGONOMIC GARDEN TOOLS” and “HIGH-TECH HEARING AIDS”. “I’ll be the influencer for the over 60 crowds,” he announced, already dreaming of his “NICHE” market.

"Alan Uses His New Ergonomic Solar Powered Lawnmower"

“Alan On His Ergonomic Solar Powered Lawnmower”

Alan’s wife Emily, watched his antics with a mix of amusement and admiration. “Last week, he didn’t know how to attach a file to an email. Now, he’s talking about ‘hashtags’ and ‘engagement rates,'” she said, laughing.

"Alan and his lovely wife Emily"

“Alan And His Lovely Wife Emily”

His first foray into content creation was a video review of a fancy new walking stick, titled “Walkin’ and Talkin’ With Alan.” It didn’t go viral, but it did earn a solid 27 views, 26 of which were from his “GRANDCHILDREN”, who found it “ADORABLY HILARIOUS”.

"Alan Does A Video Review On A Fancy Walking Stick"

“Alan Does A Video Review On A Fancy Walking Stick”

Not discouraged, Alan continued to experiment with different “Online Jobs”. He tried blogging about life as a “SENIOR”, podcasting about classic rock, and even dabbled in selling handmade birdhouses on Etsy. Each attempt was met with varying degrees of success and hilarity.

"Alan building bird houses for Etsy"

“Alan Is Building His Bird Houses For Etsy”

In the end, Alan found that the best Online Job for him was being himself – a curious, tech-embracing “SENIOR” with a knack for making people smile. Whether it was through his quirky Product Reviews or his earnest attempts to understand meme culture, Alan discovered his unique place in the Digital World.

“Who Knew Retirement Would Be So… Online?” Alan mused, already planning his next video, “Gardening with Gadgets.”

As for the survey on what “SENIORS” enjoy online? Alan decided it wasn’t necessary. “I’m having too much fun figuring it out myself,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Work For “SENIORS”

I am a “SENIOR Citizen”. If you want to know about my struggles then click ABOUT ALAN

My friends, I’ve been through the wringer, got re-soaked, then went through the wringer again. It isn’t fun and it isn’t painless. The first thing that I did, was what you did. Googled it.

You probably Googled, “Website Building For SENIORS”, or “FREE Website Building For SENIORS”.

And you probably heard from every scoundrel there is

I tried many online programs, but either the startup costs were just too much, or they were just a SCAM”. I was gullible, and bought into the “SCAMS”.

So, finally, I read a review about one of the sites that had “SCAMMED” me. It didn’t hold back, it talked about how they would make you an offer, and then after you made a purchase the next page that you were sent to would be a “UPSELL” page. Hey! You bought your business for $24.99.

An “UPSELL” page offers you something different, like, for $997 you can have “MASSIVE TRAFFIC” sent to your site. So, you refuse their offer, and you’re sent to another page.

This page makes you an offer, it says, that for only $497 your website will run 100X faster. After you turn them down two more times, you discover that your original purchase doesn’t exist anymore. Don’t buy lies from the “Snake Oil Salesman”.

You’re buying lies from the Snake Oil Salesman.

"The Snake Oil Salesman holding up a bottle of Elixir"

“CLICK on The Snake Oil Salesman”

Now, I won’t deceive you, I intend to show you the “WEALTHY AFFILIATE”, a Training Institute for “ARTICLE MARKETING”. You see, I know that you Googled, “Best Online Jobs For SENIORS” and what did I do? I put you through the wringer, and that’s what you’ve been trying to avoid.

Look, I try to create a short story about Alan to entertain you, but the fact of the matter is that the “SENIOR”, if offered anything, job will be somewhat clerical, or maybe data entry of sorts.

The deal about the “WEALTHY AFFILIATE” is that of all the Article Marketing sites, this Training Institute teaches you how to build your website, and offers all the training that you will need to start an online business of your own. The major difference between “THOSE” guys and us, is that the “Wealthy Affiliate” offers FREE Membership.

Yes, they provide you with a FREE Website and FREE Training, that’s training that’s second to NONE. I know you have your doubts, so let me put your mind at ease.

Let’s get funny again, so prepare yourself. If you’re concerned about our legitimacy then let’s ask Sheriff Roy to check it out for us, ok?

HI! I’m Sheriff Roy!

"Sheriff Roy looking through a Magnifying Glass"

“CLICK on Sheriff Roy”

Let’s Start With the Better Business Bureau, They Gave Them an A+

Then I Used the Trust Pilot, Which Had Them Ranked at 4.9/5

And Last, the Scam Detector. it Gave the Wealthy Affiliate 100%.

This link is a Thorough Review of the Wealthy Affiliate.

You Should Review the Other Companies to Check on Their Legitimacy.

I Recommend the Scam Detector.


“CLICK on Me”

This and other reviews should help you determine whether you should sign up with us or not. At this time, it should be apparent that I no longer take any chances, and that I have companies extensively checked out now.

For the future, have EVERYBODY checked out, use the SCAM DETECTOR, and you won’t regret it.

So, you may say, “I’m just too “DARN” old to be doing this”, “Besides, are there any “SENIORS” doing this, and are any of them successful at it?”

Well, there are quite a few “SENIORS” doing this. With 5 BILLION people on the Internet, of “ALL” walks of life, there are many “SENIORS” on the web today.

The Wealthy Affiliate has over 2.7 MILLION Members, and several of them are “SENIORS”.

You see Seniors, in today’s society, you can find anything on sale online. People will also buy it. I have a friend who has over 3000 used golf balls and people buy them up by the dozens when he takes them to the Flea Market. He could very easily create a website for the Golf Balls,

SENIORS right now, you can join the Wealthy Affiliate for FREE. Please continue to read the rest of this article because it applies to you. Please don’t think you’re too old to start something online. I’m retired now and I’m having a blast.

This “SENIOR CITIZEN”, a member of the “Wealthy Affiliate”, was a Lawyer in Family, Criminal, and Civil Law for over 38 years. He was a “Champion in the Sport of Rowing”, he’s a “Wellness Coach”, and “Owner of a Consulting Firm”. This man has over “3 SUCCESSFUL WEBSITES”. 

I would say that he truly represents one of the many successful “SENIOR CITIZENS” that we have at the “Wealthy Affiliate”. If you noticed, I “Bold” and “CAPITALIZE” the word “SENIOR”. It’s because I have a great deal of respect for the “SENIORS”. Hey, “I am one”



This is my friend Phil. I’ll let him tell his story. I weigh the same as I did when I was 18 and remain seriously fit and healthy. After 48 years in IT, I retired reasonably well off. But a combination of bad luck and bad decisions left me broke at the age of 74. So I’m determined to derive a substantial online income and will devote whatever is necessary to achieve that.

UPDATE: I Turn 80 in April 2024 and have around 30 websites producing a substantial income.

For my age, I’m extraordinarily Fit and Healthy. I bench press more than my body weight, can hold a 5-minute plank, and do 100km “Bike Rides” for fun. I take no drugs, prescription or over-the-counter, don’t go to the doctor, and never get sick. Literally.

Wealthy Affiliate‘s Affiliate Marketing Training is the best in the business and is far and away the best place to start. It was my starting point and I recommend it to anyone who wants to get going with an Online Business.

These are only a couple of things that we can do. The “Wealthy Affiliate” teaches you all aspects of the business. For example, what I chose to do with my website is to be an “AFFILIATE” for Wealthy Affiliate.
I tell people about the services that they provide,
As there is a lot that you can learn at the Wealthy Affiliate

Do you want to WRITE ARTICLES”, “BUILD A STORE”, or “BLOG?”

Most importantly, do you want to be an “AFFILIATE MARKETER?”

Not only do you train as an “AFFILIATE MARKETER”, but they will introduce you to several thousand “AFFILIATES” that need your help. No sense in looking around for “AFFILIATES”, they’re all hereAt the WEALTHY AFFILIATE, you can do “WHATEVER” you want, and they will train you.


"Alan with an Large Announcer"s Microphone"

“This Is The Old Time Hour”

We interrupt the “Old Fashioned Hour” to tell you about the Wealthy Affiliate, the “ONLINE BUSINESS” that is sweeping the whole wide world.

Today, in society, “AFFILIATE MARKETERS” are finding it very difficult to find honorable and ethical “AFFILIATE TRAINING CENTERS” nowadays that offer real training for the Entrepreneur.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our training is second to none. There are thousands of hours of training, hundreds of hours of videos, and the most technologically advanced training today. “WEALTHY AFFILIATE” has over “2.6 MILLION MEMBERS”. Why?

Because they “ALL” know who the leader in “AFFILIATE MARKETING” is The “WEALTHY AFFILIATE” truly is #1 in Affiliate Marketing based on over 50,000 independent reviews.

Even if you decide not to come on board, I would like you to come back as my guest. I am attempting to develop a readership of sorts. So, come back and hang with me, I try to write 1 Article a day about “SENIOR Citizens”.
I Take A Slightly Comical Approach To Writing, Such As,
"an old decrepit looking Popeye"
“Affiliate Marketing For SENIORS?” 

"Alan jumping up and down with his cats; jumping for joy"
“Websites For SENIORS”

"Andy and Bubba sit in front of a computer"

“SENIORS Thrive In Affiliate Marketing”

"An Artist paints everything in sight"

“How To Be Creative Online Using AI”

"Alan and his senior friends looking in the dirt for work"
“Find Work Online For SENIORS”

Please read the links above.
Let me know what you think by leaving “COMMENTS”.


We hope to see you on the inside.

So, if you want to: JOIN ME

No Credit Card Required                                                                                

AbstractAlan says,

"Alan showing that he has his dentures  in"



16 thoughts on “Empower Your Journey! Website Building For SENIORS Entrepreneurs”

  1. Hey thank you for this great post!

    I am pretty sure this post will certainly help change or give a good boost of self confidence especially to those who thought that earning at that age is less likely or that it has to involve a lot of manual work!

    I really appreciate your style of writing, it adds a fun way to read and is interesting.

    Have a great day!

  2. I ask me if its needed for Seniors to be an affiliate? Maybe Money reasons?

    But if they make it for fun, like a hobby, then it could be more interesting.

    More important is to give Seniors a possibility to learn all the technical stuff. This would be awesome, a guide or teaching possibilites, anything like this.

    • Thanks Thomas, But just remember it was a Senior that started it all. And always remember a Senior does it with more experience, What do I mean by that? An example, would be the singer, we didn’t need AutoTune. Right/.

      Thanks for your comment,


  3. Hi Alan,
    Your post on the best online jobs for seniors makes the digital job market more like a walk in the park rather than climbing Everest. Who knew that seniors could turn into affiliate marketing pros?
    But here’s a noodle scratcher: in this wide world of online opportunities, how does a senior discern between a legitimate gig and a digital wild goose chase? With so many options, and not all of them tasty, what’s your secret sauce for spotting the real deal?
    Kudos to you for showing that age is just a number when it comes to internet hustle. Your post is not just informative, but also a hoot and a half to read!
    Cheers and thanks for the insights and the chuckles,

    Best regards,

    • Thanks Makhsud, Well, that’s a simple one. I believe in what I promote. I’ve spent a lot of money looking for the right thing. It’s simple, I checked these guys out, They get an A{ with the BBB.org, a 4.9/5 with the TrustPilot.com, a 100% with Scam-Detector.com. There are over 50,000 independent reviews praising the. If you’re not sure then run it through the Scam Detector. Thank You for your comment.


      Alan aka AbstractAlan

  4. Hi there!

    Very interesting article providing a lot of information about online works for seniors. I agree with you that affiliate marketing is one of the best options, especially if you don’t have to invest money in some scam MLM so called “businesses”. Yes, there is a plenty of scams in the internet, however you have mentioned Wealthy Affiliate platform and I’m a member of it! I can highly recommend WA, as I have learned a lot from them!

    Kind regards!


  5. Love the pictures of Alan in this article doing all sorts of funny things. But joking aside, Wealthy Affiliate is great for seniors, as very thing is explained step by step and you can build your business as you learn. So even somebody with zero website skills can learn something new, no matter what your age. Luckily all the really high-level technical stuff is taken care of and you can concentrate on simply building out a business of your choice.

    I think 80 is the oldest member I have seen in Wealthy Affiliate. Have you seen anyone older?

  6. Affiliate marketing is a perfect fit for anyone even seniors can get engaged and share their passion while helping others and turning that passion into a full-time online business. I recommend this business also because of the many benefits that it offers. I believe that affiliate marketing is one of the best business models out here.

  7. Alan, your online adventures are a delightful read! Your journey into the digital world is both amusing and inspiring. It’s incredible to witness a senior like you embracing the ever-evolving online landscape with such enthusiasm. I’m 28, and most times I find it draining to absorb all of this new information; you just made it seem more reachable, which I really appreciate. 

    The support of your wife, Martha, adds a heartwarming touch to your story. The video review of the fancy walking stick, titled “Walkin’ and Talkin’ With Alan,” may not have gone viral, but the 27 views, especially from your grandchildren, showcase the charm of your online presence. Your openness about trying different online jobs and finding your unique place in the digital world is both relatable and motivating. It’s evident that you’ve discovered the joy of being yourself online, and that, Alan, is truly priceless. I can’t wait to continue reading about your journey every change I get. 

    • Hey Stephanie, I’m glad you enjoy these. But, yes, my name is Alan, and yes, I am 67, and yes, I do live in Hickman, but that’s where it ends. I’m pulling all these stories out of my behind. Some dats, I do feel that backward.

      More To Come. Thanks.



  8. Your article on the best online jobs for seniors is truly insightful. It’s fantastic to see the array of opportunities available for older adults seeking to supplement their income or explore new ventures. Have you encountered any specific challenges or misconceptions about seniors entering the online job market? I believe addressing such issues could help empower more seniors to pursue these opportunities.

    Personally, I’ve seen how remote work has positively impacted the lives of older individuals in my community, providing them with newfound flexibility and financial independence. Your suggestions, from freelance writing to virtual assistance, offer a diverse range of options suitable for various skill sets and interests. Thank you for shedding light on this important topic and showcasing the potential for seniors in the digital workforce.

  9. Hello Sheriff, this is a fantastic compilation of online job opportunities tailored specifically for seniors. The range of roles available, from online tutoring to healthcare professions, provides a diverse array of options for seniors looking to stay active, earn extra income, and explore new career paths. It’s heartening to see such a variety of opportunities that cater to the skills and experiences of seniors. Have you or someone you know explored any of these online job opportunities for seniors? If so, what was the experience like, and which role was the most appealing?

  10. As a senior exploring online job opportunities, I appreciate the insights shared here. However, I’m curious about the flexibility of these jobs in terms of hours and commitment. Are there specific roles that are more adaptable for seniors who might have varying levels of availability and physical capabilities? Looking forward to further suggestions.

    • You know Corey, I sent yo over a page of opportunities that you so desperately needed, I spent hours researching that for you and never heard back from you. Are you actually reading the articles and the reply’s?



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