Trailblaze Your Journey: Training In AI

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"a cute Alien is learning Artificial Intelligence"

Today’s post is entitled, “Trailblaze Your Journey Man! FREE Training In Artificial Intelligence”. In this Article you’ll learn how you can get FREE Artificial Intelligence Training and much, much more. When I was a kid, there was never any talk about AI, it was only several years ago for me that I first heard those words.

My Dad has written 6 fiction books that got published. Most of them were Science Fiction, so, when he first mentioned it to me, I thought he was pulling that from his britches. I never believed him, he was talking about computers that could think. Boy, was I wrong? 

Trailblaze Your Journey Man! FREE Training In AI For Affiliate

Times have changed drastically for me because I watched this stuff develop as a kid, and more so than most kids my age because I was a Military Brat, and I was exposed to a lot of new ideas. MY dad had a lot to do with that. He liked to invent things and it rubbed off on me. But, really, I saw it change before my eyes.

I remember when I was a young boy, Dad was stationed in Agana Guam. Our phone was mounted on the wall, and it had a rotary dial. We lived at 222 Holden Street, and our phone number was? Yep, you guessed it, 222. We shared the phone with our neighbor. 

We could make a phone call if the party line wasn’t being used. Of course, just a few years prior to that, we would have to ask Mabel to connect us.

                                   I had a CRUSH on Mabel, I was 8

So, having a rotary dial phone was actually technologically advanced, compared to Mabel it was ahead of it’s time.(WOW! I can remember my phone and street number when I was 8, but can’t remember what I had for breakfast this morning). My Father was stationed at NCS (Naval Communication Station) and repaired all the communications gear. So, we were one of the only families that could talk long distance without losing our shirts.


Side Note; as I am typing this I get a phone call from a friend stating that some religions are claiming that Artificial Intelligence is the Anti Christ CLICK HERE

“Warning Earthlings!”

A.I. eventually, will probably take over the World and destroy it if we keep poking at it. So, in the meantime, enjoy it. “Weak, Silly Humans!!” 

Now, where were we?

Back in 1963, we lived in Beeville Texas, and my Dad repaired Televisions when he wasn’t on duty.

We were the only one on the block with a color television. Unfortunately, we saw the Kennedy assassination in color. Now, we didn’t own the television, it belonged to a customer, so that luxury only lasted for a short while.

So, 20 years later, I watched technology change again. 

I was an Electronics Technician in the military and do you think our equipment was high-tech and futuristic for our time? Not quite. When we built the Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 back in 1986,  they took a brand new AN/SPN-42A Radar System out of the box, from the warehouse, and installed it. That radar was built in 1948. The technology was antiquated but worked very well, it was very dependable.

“USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 Shock Trials”

Back then, the technology amazed me, the radar that I serviced was the AN/SPN-42A, and it could land an aircraft onto the flight deck automatically. To have that technology back then was unheard of. It had a very complex data link that engaged with the aircraft and sent commands, such as azimuth,  elevation, pitch, roll, yaw, heave, and speed.

As the carrier moved so did the aircraft, they were in sync with each other. When the aircraft engages at Mode 1, it would engage with the carrier automatically from 8 to 12 miles out, then land the aircraft safely on to the 3rd wire of the flight deck. It was designed to be able to land on high seas if they had a wounded pilot onboard. Simply Amazing.

So,  here we are now, in the 21st century, I want to thank you for taking a nostalgic walk with me.

We have made remarkable progress with AI and have done some incredible things with it. Here at Wealthy Affiliate, we use AI daily. We offer a membership at $49.99/mo. and will provide you with all the training necessary, to not only train and use  A.I. but will teach you how to build your website and a business. 


Wealthy Affiliate offers a FREE membership, we offer FREE training, and will give you a website of your own. So, where do you go to learn A.I.? Well, the Wealthy Affiliate of course. You can learn a lot from the Wealthy Affiliate. Below are samples of what we can do using AI.

Learn About A.I.

I entered,“Beautiful girl Black hair beautiful eyes”


“You think I’m Purty Don’t You?” 


I typed, “Superman fights the Hulk”.

                                                                       “Superman vs Hulk“

Then There’s….


So, let me tell you about the  “WEALTHY AFFILIATE”, a “Training Institute” for “Affiliate Marketing”. You see, I know that you were searching for “FREE Affiliate Marketing” for “SENIORS”. Well, you’ve come to the right place, we have that and much more.

Breaking the Age Barrier Online

I started writing short stories about “Alan”, a 68-year-old “Fill-ee-mark-u-tr (Affiliate Marketer). from the little town of Hickman. Well, I started at the Wealthy Affiliate as a FREE member. I liked it so much that I soon became a paying member. When you join as a FREE member, you can stay as a FREE member as long as you want. You are not pressured into becoming a paying member.

Overcoming Doubts

The major difference between “THOSE” guys and us, is that the “Wealthy Affiliate” does offer a  FREE membership. They provide you with a FREE website, FREE training, that’s training that’s second to “NONE”. I know you have your doubts, so let me put your mind at ease.

A Community Of Success

If you’re concerned about our legitimacy then let’s ask Sheriff Roy to check it out for us, ok?

HI! I’m Sheriff Roy!

"Sheriff Roy looking through a Magnifying Glass"

“CLICK on Sheriff Roy”

Let’s start with the Better Business Bureau, they gave them an A+ for a grade

Then I used the Trust Pilot, which had them ranked at 4.9/5

And last, the Scam Detector. it gave the Wealthy Affiliate 100%.

This link is a thorough review of the Wealthy Affiliate.


Oh, incidentally, you should review the other companies to check on their legitimacy.

I recommend the Scam Detector.


“CLICK on Me”

This and other reviews should help you determine whether you should sign up with us or not. At this time, it should be apparent that I no longer take any chances, and that I have companies extensively checked out now.

Seniors In The Digital Age

For the future, have EVERYBODY checked out.

Use the SCAM DETECTOR, and you won’t regret it.

So, some of you might say, “I’m just too “DARN” old to be doing this”, “Besides, are there any “SENIORS” doing this, and are any of them successful at it?”

Well, there are quite a few “SENIORS” doing this. With 5 BILLION people on the Internet, of “ALL” walks of life, there are many “SENIORS” on the web today.

Embracing The Online Opportunities

The Wealthy Affiliate has over 2.6 MILLION members, and several of them are “SENIORS”. So please don’t think you’re too old to start something online. I’m retired now and I’m having a blast. So, do we have successful SENIORS at the Wealthy Affiliate? Check this out.

This “SENIOR CITIZEN”, a member of the “Wealthy Affiliate”, was a Lawyer in Family, Criminal, and Civil Law for over 38 years. He was a “Champion in the Sport of Rowing”, he’s a “Wellness Coach”, and “Owner of a Consulting Firm”. This man has over “3 SUCCESSFUL WEBSITES”. 

"This is my friend Phil, the dude is 80 years old"

This is my friend Phil. He’s 79 years old. Here, I’ll let him tell his story. “Yes, I weigh the same as I did when I was 18 and remain seriously fit and healthy. For my age, I’m extraordinarily “Fit and Healthy“. I bench press more than my body weight, can hold a 5-minute plank, and do 100km “Bike Rides” for fun.

So, I take no drugs, prescription or over-the-counter medications. I  don’t go to the doctor and never get sick”.

After 48 years in IT, I retired reasonably well off. But a combination of bad luck and bad decisions left me broke at the age of 74. So I’m determined to derive a substantial “Online” income and will devote whatever is necessary to achieve that.

UPDATE: I Turn 80 in April 2024 and have around 30 websites producing a substantial income.

"This is Phil flexing his muscles"

“Yes, I Can Beat Up Alan”

“SENIORS”, as I said, we have “SENIORS”, so don’t ever feel that you can’t achieve mighty things here.

.Wealthy Affiliate’s Training is the best in the business and is far and away the best place to start. It was my starting point and I recommend it to anyone who wants to get going with an “Online Business”.

Exploring Opportunities with Wealthy Affiliate

The “Wealthy Affiliate” teaches you all aspects of the business. For example, what I chose to do with my website is to be an “AFFILIATE” for Wealthy Affiliate. I tell people about the services that they provide, as there is a lot that you can learn at the “Wealthy Affiliate”.

Do you want to “WRITE ARTICLES”, “BUILD A STORE”, or “BLOG?”

Most importantly, do you want to be an “AFFILIATE MARKETER?”

Not only do you train as an “AFFILIATE MARKETER”, but they will introduce you to several thousand “AFFILIATES” that need your help. No sense in looking around for “AFFILIATES”, they’re all here. 

The Wealthy Affiliate Advantage

At the “WEALTHY AFFILIATE,” you can do “WHATEVER” you want,

and they will train you.


"Alan with an Large Announcer"s Microphone"

“This Is The Old Time Hour”

We interrupt the “Old Fashioned Hour” to tell you about the Wealthy Affiliate, the “ONLINE BUSINESS” that is sweeping the whole wide world. Today, in society, “AFFILIATE MARKETERS” are finding it very difficult to find honorable and ethical “AFFILIATE TRAINING CENTERS” nowadays that offer real training for the Entrepreneur.

Unparalleled Training

At Wealthy Affiliate, our training is second to none. There are thousands of hours of training, hundreds of hours of videos, and the most technologically advanced training today.

Join the Wealthy Affiliate Community

 “WEALTHY AFFILIATE” has over “2.6 MILLION MEMBERS”. Why? Because they “ALL” know who the leader in “AFFILIATE MARKETING” is. The “WEALTHY AFFILIATE” truly is #1 in Affiliate Marketing based on over 50,000 independent reviews.

Even if you decide not to come on board, I would like you to come back as my guest. I am attempting to develop a readership of sorts. So, come back and hang with me, I try to write 1 Article a day about “SENIOR CITIZENS”.

Stay Awhile and Read

I Take A Slightly Comical Approach To Writing, Such As,

"an old decrepit looking Popeye"
“Powerful Strategies For SENIOR?” 
"Alan and a pretty News lady Sandy"

“FREE Affiliate Marketing For Seniors”

"Alan jumping up and down with his cats; jumping for joy"
“FREE Web Creations For SENIORS”
"Andy and Bubba sit in front of a computer"

“SENIORS Thrive In Affiliate Marketing”

"An Artist paints everything in sight"

“How To Be Creative Online Using AI”

"Alan and his senior friends looking in the dirt for work"
“FREE Web Creations For SENIORS”
Please read the links above.
Let me know what you think by leaving “COMMENTS”.



We hope to see you on the inside.

So, if you want to: JOIN ME

No Credit Card Required                                                                                


 AbstractAlan says

"This is Alan he just put his teeth back in"

“I Gotz Mu Teeth In”






























10 thoughts on “ Trailblaze Your Journey: Training In AI”

  1. This was quite fun to read.

    I enjoyed your flash to the past, and it provided a really stark contrast between technology of the past and technology of the current day. I never realised how far technology has come in such as short period of time!

    The images generated by AI that you created are really impressive!! I’ve heard people talking about using AI to create images before, but I hadn’t yet gotten a good luck at the results. 

    As a blogger myself, I’m definitely going to be looking into that! It will surely save me the time and effort of finding good images that I’m legally able to use! Especially since I’ll be able to generate the exact image I want!

    Thank you for this awesome content! 

    • Thanks Ursidae, Yes, To see computers the size of a room, shrink down to fit in your  palm still blows my mind. As far as the AI drawing program goes, I’m a hero with my Granddaughter, I can draw Elsa from the movie Frozen dancing with Olaf the snowman in less than a minute. Pop Pop be jammin Man

      Thanks again


      Alan aka AbstractAlan

  2. This captivating article offers a fascinating journey through the evolution of technology, as witnessed and experienced firsthand by the author. From the days of shared rotary dial phones in Guam to the advanced radar systems on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the progression of technology is vividly chronicled. The narrative is not just a timeline of technological advancements; it’s a personal story interwoven with historical milestones, making it both informative and engaging.

    The article skillfully juxtaposes the simplicity of past technologies with the complexities of modern advancements. The mention of a phone number as simple as ‘222’ and the use of a party line system paints a picture of a time when communication technology was in its nascent stages. This starkly contrasts with the sophisticated radar technology of the AN/SPN-42A, which represented a significant leap in military technology, capable of synchronizing the movement of an aircraft with a moving carrier.

    Moreover, the author’s personal anecdotes, such as watching the Kennedy assassination on a color TV and his father’s role in repairing communication gear, add a rich layer of context to the technological timeline. These stories provide a unique perspective on how these advancements were perceived and experienced by individuals at the time. I to witnessed the assassination we are of a generation old enough to be able to watch over nearly seventy years the progression of the objective to merge man with machines.

    • Thank you too too much but not quite enough Catherine, From YOUR very engaging response, as thorough and complete as it was, it seemed like you enjoyed my article and that you too, took the same nostalgic journey that I did. As I wrote, I remember our phone and street number in Guam, I also remember from 1969, my brother’s girlfriend Vicky Felt, her phone number, 401-924-9286, the taste of empinada made with Goya seasoning plus the smell of fresh mangoes off the trees in Cuba during the Cuba Missile Crisis back in 1961, and can still feel the lips of Ruth, my first kiss, back when I was 11 years old, But I CANNOT, I repeat, I CANNOT remember, where I left my DARN  reading glasses from an hour ago.


      Thanks again 

      Alan aka AbstractAlan

  3. I’ve dabbled in a few online platforms and found that hands-on projects helped solidify my understanding. Additionally, understanding the different branches of AI, like machine learning and deep learning, seems crucial. Do you have any advice for beginners trying to choose a specific area to focus on?

    I’m curious about your thoughts on the future of AI education. With technology evolving rapidly, how do you think these learning platforms will adapt to keep up with the advancements? Personally, I believe practical application and real-world problem-solving will become even more integral to AI education. Thanks for compiling these resources—it’s a great starting point for anyone looking to delve into the world of AI!

    • Hey Pasindu, Honestly I don’t know where AI will take us, some of the so called advancements scare the HELL out of me. I hope it doesn’t EAT US UP quite frankly. Only time will tell.

  4. Great read! As someone who’s just starting to dive into the world of AI, I found this article very informative. However, I’m curious if there are any specific online courses or platforms you’d recommend for beginners, especially for understanding the basics of machine learning and neural networks. Looking for something that balances theory with practical, hands-on projects. Thanks in advance!

    • wouCorey I don’t, I’m new here but I bet one of these geniuses on the Chat Line would know. 


      Alan aka AbstractAlan

  5. Wow that was quite a journey!  Today’s AI definitely feels like you could get left behind quickly. Not long ago I asked a group of mom friends how they felt about us using ChatGPT to write outlines for homeschool movie scenes we’re writing, and one friend mentioned that she didn’t know what ChatGPT was!  I was surprised, but in truth things have been changing very quickly.  I’m glad there are knowledgeable people to help keep us up to date and aware of the possibilities in utilizing artificial intelligence in our lives.

    • Thanks Jessica, One member asked me what I thought about AI I think he was looking for some words of wisdom. I said that I didn’t know where it was going, some of the so called advancements scare the HELL out of me and that I hope that it doesn’t eat us up. Stupid Humans???? I don’t know, but keep poking at it and we might find out


      Alan aka AbstractAlan


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