My Assessment Of My ADHD Based On A Lifetime With It

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"a young boy sitting in front of the class wearing a dunce cap, he is sad,  the kids are laughing at him a large angry nun is waving a 3 sided ruler at him, photo art

So, this is, “My Assessment Of My ADHD Based On A Lifetime With It”. Wow! I’m starting to have major FLASHBACKS, except the NUN was a Guamanian woman, and she was Incredibly Large (Like Captain Hook said, “To a 10-year-old I’m HUGE”) and she used a 3-Sided Ruler to beat me with, remember those?

"Wooden 3 Sided Ruler"

“Just Beat It!”

In it, I will attempt to answer questions like, “Why do I act this way? What Triggers Me? What Fuels Me? What have I accomplished because of this?”

My Assessment Of My ADHD Based On A Lifetime With It

I have to admit, I only learned that I had ADHD, at the Age of 40. What? How did you NOT know? Well, one day my Brother approached me, with him, he had a 70-question test called the ADD Type Test created by Dr. Amen from the Amen Clinic.

I also took a 12-question test, that’s called the Adult ADHD Test. To determine what type of ADD you have then take Dr. Amen’s Test. To determine if you have ADHD then take the other test.

"This is Dr. Amen"

“Meet Dr. Amen”

It’s Funny, I usually SUCK at Tests, but I ACED this one and I didn’t even have to Study. That’s Okay, I  never had to study for Urine Tests either. So, it got me thinking about the Past, my Behavior, my Relationships, all the Dangerous Jobs (more on that later), School, and More. I got on the Internet, and my “EYES WERE OPEN”.

I was finally able to Understand “ME”, growing up the way that I did, being so different than the other Kids and Adults, a FAILED Marriage, and how I disrupted “OTHER PEOPLE’S” Lives. I can Remember, the Things I used to BLURT out. I was very WITTY and CLEVER but OFFENSIVE, to my FAMILY, FRIENDS.

Presently, I still BLURT a little, but it’s controlled now. I’ve been taking Ritalin for a while now, it’s helped Control My Mouth. As far as BLOGGING goes, I’ve become very Productive almost Writing as many as 2  Articles a day.

Focus The Light, and it Becomes Much More Powerful.

Remember, Blogging about ADHD isn’t just about sharing Difficulties; it’s about Showcasing the Immense Potential that lies within this Condition. It’s about flipping the script and making ADHD your Superpower in the Blogging Sphere.

So, let’s harness that Supercharged Energy and channel it into Creating Content that not only Captivates but also Uplifts and Educates.

In Blogging About ADHD, it’s vital to tap into that Rich Vein of Creativity. It’s all about finding the things that Trigger that Supercharged level of Performance.

For many, it’s the joy of Transforming Thoughts into Words, and for others, it’s the thrill of Sharing Insights that resonate with people who understand the struggle. Either way, it becomes a Therapeutic Endeavor as much as it is an Intellectual one.

Developing an Engaging Writing Style for ADHD Readers

When I was 8 Years Old, nearly 60 Years ago, I unintentionally developed a certain Writing Style, it was for my Survival, this had a lot to do with my English Teacher, more on her later.

So, I had a lot of problems with my Writing and Verbal Skills. To make matters worse, if the Kids laughed and made fun of me, I would start to STUTTER and STAMMER.

I also had a NERVOUS TWITCH and a cute little GRUNT. Ok! It wasn’t CUTE, or LITTLE. Truthfully, It was LOUD and ANNOYING. The more they made fun of me, the more I did it, and the LOUDER it got.

So, I had ISSUES communicating, whenever I had to do a Book Report, I didn’t have the Vocabulary to express myself in just a FEW words. So, I would CAPITALIZE, BOLD,

Use Different FONT Sizes, and


There weren’t Printers at our disposal back then, we used Cursive for our Book Reports, and we used CRAYONS for our ILLUSTRATIONS.

So, let’s Talk a little more about my Writing Style. I’ll show you how tweaking your Writing Style can make your Content more Engaging for Readers with ADHD. This isn’t just about being FLASHY; it’s about understanding how to Hold the Interest of an Audience that Thrives on Stimulation and Variety.


ALL the Words of Interest that are CAPITALIZED and in BOLD cut right through the NOISE. This Technique is like a Secret Handshake for the Brain of an “ADDER”. They perk up because it’s not just another block of text; it’s a SIGNAL that tells them that Something Important is waiting for them

You’ll find out that Mixing Up Fonts, COLORS, and SIZES is more than a Stylistic Choice; it’s a Strategic Engagement Tool. Using VIBRANT COLORS and


Can Transform a plain Article into an ADHD-Friendly Carnival of Thoughts, making it Less Tedious and More Inviting.

You’re not only setting a Pace; you’re also “Inviting your Reader” into a Conversation, making the Text Flow naturally. I believe “This Approach Doesn’t Just Attract The ADDER”. It’s also a hit with those from the Older Generation, or the Modern Reader who’s likely to “Scan Rather Than Dive Deep” into Your Content. Just don’t FOCUS too much on Perfection. 

Choose Something That Resonates With You and Your Readers.

For example, a Dash of Humor through Funny Images and Attention-Grabbing Headlines can turn the Reading Experience into something that’s not just informative, but ENJOYABLE.

"Dyslexic CPR - Nurses Rock"

“Dyslexic CPR”

Visuals Are Important

"A Goth Girl Looks Up sternly At An Old Man"

And So Is Humor

One Day A Little Goth Girl Said To Me,
“Wuh? Like, You Don’t Know New Math?”
“Jeesh! Like, Yer Not That Bright Are You?”
I said, “Wow! Like, You Don’t Know, Old Math, History,
Phonetics, Cursive Writing, How To Count Change
Or Tell Time With An Analog Clock”
“Like, Wow, You’re Stupid”.
No, but they know, “LIKE” LOL, OMG, AND WTF.
Now they’re attacking gender. Question
If I TRANSPlant a Rose Bush
Does it now IDENTIFY as a Tree?
Ok! Enough of that.

Additionally, when I Write, I use many Commas. A Comma is used for every breath that I take, like now, I paused and then continued. I try to be a Conversationalist when I Write, just like, when I Talk.

I feel that the Reader is at ease when I am Writing to them. I think the Reader would feel more comfortable if the Text flowed and was Rhythmic.

And when it comes to Rhythm, that’s the Strategy I like to Leverage with. Writing with a Rhythm – Like Speaking – Makes for a Captivating Read, by using Commas with each Breath that I take.

Understanding ADHD And Its Creative Potential

When the conversation turns to ADHD, there is often an “Emphasis On The Challenges” it presents. But there’s another side to this COIN.

Individuals with ADHD, or “ADDERS” as I affectionately call “US”, are not just a bundle of “Symptoms needing Management”; we are Reservoirs of Untapped Brilliance, Creativity, and Productivity.

When We’re Engaged In Something We Love Or Find Stimulating, Our Performance Can Soar To Incredible Heights. It’s the difference between a Light Bulb and a Laser Beam:

"a man arms stretched out with several very intense laser beams showering out of his palms, all the lights in the room brightly burning, some exploding"

“It’s The Difference Between A Light Bulb And A Laser Beam”

Appreciation And Gratitude Fuels An ADDER

And let’s talk about the Motivational Fuel that keeps us going: Appreciation and Gratitude. For “ADDERS”, these are not just Nice-to-Haves; THEY ARE ESSENTIALS. Just like a car needs fuel to move, WE NEED PRAISE TO SUSTAIN OUR EFFORTS.

"An Old Man Putting His Teeth Back In"

“I Wanna Tank U Fer Yer Tank U”

Without it, the Inclination to Rush Through or Abandon Projects can be Overpowering. But when we Receive Recognition for our Unique Perspective and Hard Work, it’s like adding TURBOCHARGE to our efforts.

How It ALL Started For Me

I had given my Brother, Mother, and my Family, a real run for their money while growing up. I had always known that I “SOMEHOW” caused my Mother a lot of Grief, she disciplined me more than my Brother or Sister, but I did get Myself into Trouble a lot. You see, I HAD/HAVE, what I like to call, real “BLURTAGE” issues, because “BLAH!” seemed to come out of my Mouth, A LOT

"a bratty looking kid lk pocket, looks like a human dennis the menace with a slingshot in his back pocket, his mouth wide open and obscenities come out of his mouth  like #@$%$#@@#$%$$,but they are very large and colorful, a human not a cartoon, photo art. Image 2 of 2

“Something Like BLAH! Would Always Come Out”

Unconventional Play And Creative Pranks

If you want to Understand the Impulsiveness that often comes with ADHD, I’ve got some tales That’ll Paint a Pretty Vivid Picture. Growing up, “Boring” was Not a Word in My Vocabulary; there was Always Some Adventure Brewing in my mind.

My Anecdotes Aren’t Unique to Individuals with ADHD. We often have a Treasure Trove of Tales that range from the Chaotic to the Comedic. I talk about a few Pranks on my Website. As Kids, we’d often Engage in Harmless Neighborhood Antics.

One time, I sought to impress the GANG (Yes! We 12-Year-Old Kids Were a Real Terror?) by Throwing Rocks at Street Lights. What a sight to see, every one of us made every effort to break that bulb. They did not seem to have the strength to reach it.

So, determined to break the bulb, I shouted, using my “He-Man Of The Universe” Voice, “I’ll Show You How It’s Done!”. I reached down and firmly grabbed…… “OH! NO!”, to my horror, it was a moist Piece of DOG POOP. It’s these unpredictable yet defining moments that color our Past and Demonstrate the Impulsiveness Characteristic of ADHD.

Now, take the time that I Ended up With a Dart Stuck in my Leg. My Brother and I were pushing the limits, as usual, seeing How Close we could Throw Real Darts at each other’s feet. Originally, we started out using the Yard Jarts, but soon, we became bored with that.

“Do You Remember These?”

So, one got a bit too close for comfort, it stuck in my leg. My Brother became really scared for me because the dart stuck into my leg pretty deep. What was really odd was that it didn’t hurt at all. We watched it wiggle every time I laughed, it was hilarious to us. Soon afterward, we saw Mom coming home from work.

David yelled, “Pull It Out! Quick!”. Well, don’t you think that it would be real fun getting him into trouble? As she approached, I immediately went into a crying tantrum. Man, he was pissed. He said, “Pull It Out! TWITCH!.”.

I had a nervous Grunt and Twitch, and so, that was what he called me when he was PISSED at me. So, needless to say, I was called that a lot. I cried and screamed, “Mommy! Look What Your Son Has Done To Me!”. It was great to see him get a beating for a change.

a 10  year old boy, in the grassy yard, holding a dart in his hand , he looks down at his leg in disbelieve, his brother is about 5 feet away, watching him"

“Yard Jarts Weren’t Good Enough”

But it wasn’t all about Causing Chaos. There was a sense of stagecraft in some of my shenanigans. Like the time I ate Soap. Yeah, you heard right, Soap!

On several occasions, I earned a Mouthwashing for my smart remarks, One Day, I snatched the bar from her hand and took a Big Bite out of it. I started chewing it, and said, “Oh Yum! This Is Delicious!”.

Mom looked in amazement, then started laughing. She said, “Oh! You’re A Nut!”. She left the room, and immediately I started rinsing my mouth out. It was horrible, but she never used Soap as a punishment again.

"A Bratty Boy Takes A Bite Of Soap Smiles But Makes A Face His Mom Laughs But She's Surprised"

“Oh Yummy Mommy Delicious”

Our Old House had its share of Creepy Corners, but nothing was as Eerie as my Sister’s Doll. She’d swear it Watched Her in Her Sleep. She would take her doll’s head and turn it away so it wouldn’t look at her anymore.

The problem was, every time she would look at it, it was looking at her again. That happened 3 times that night. Oh Wow! That was so weird.

Well, the truth? Every time she looked away, I would turn the doll’s head, then sneak away. The Payoff? She ran out of the room terrified and slept with Mom.

UPDATE: I Told My Sister Recently, That It Was Me, And She Told Me About Her Therapy Sessions.

OOOOPS! Sorry Beaner. I Love You.

a little white girl is scared of a doll, the doll has an angry look"“Do You Want To Play Little Girl?”

Sure, there was Mischief, but it Highlighted the Spontaneous, Impulsive Aspect of ADHD that can lead to Creative and Unexpected moments. Whether these Stories make you Laugh or Shake your Head, they’re slices of life from an ADHD Perspective

I never meant to Insult People, Interrupt Them, or even Talk Back, but as I look back at it now, I can see what the problem was. I didn’t do well in School with most Subjects, Math?

I could Compute many things in my Head. English? Whenever I Spoke, my English Teacher, Mrs. Gates, would TSK! (Don’t worry, I’m sure I can Talk about her because she must be Deceased by now)

"an old woman scowling at a 10 year old boy, photo art

“Mrs. Gates And Me”

Heck, she was like 100 years old, back then, so, that would make her, what, 150 now? Hmmmmm, you think? One day, she said, “You know, you “Ungulate” when you walk, it’s very “Effeminate”,

“You won’t amount to anything when you grow up”. “You’ll probably become a Plumber or something”. That comment stayed with me, and not for the reason you might think.

Because of her, I didn’t like English, so, my Vocabulary was very limited. Her Venomous Insult did not make me Angry though. Why? Only because I didn’t know what “Ungulate” and “Effeminate” meant. I was more confused than angry

Incidentally, getting off the Subject (Because that’s what we do… a lot) if she had any Idea, because of Federal Regulations, the mandatory Schooling that is Required to become a Plumber nowadays, and just how much “MONEY” they rake in now, she would probably “Roll Over In Her Grave”, that is, if she EVEN DIED. I’m just saying

an old plumber wearing overalls with pliers in his back pocket bent over near a sink holding his hand out a woman who has a disgusted look on her face is putting a lot of money in his hand he is smiling because he made so much"

“Yeah! Mrs. Gates! I Want To Be A Plumber”

I could forgive her for the Insult, and even though she didn’t like me, I got over it. What really “Cut Me Deep”  was that whenever she looked at me, it would be in Disgust, she would roll her eyes, and then she would  TSK!

It was a very LOUD TSK! Almost like a Whip Cracking. For an ADDER, that’s an immediate Turnoff. I shut out English, because of her. What was the ANTIDOTE for that? FUEL, a lot of it.

CLICK on the Chef below to learn how to FUEL UP an ADDER.

"A Chef stands proudly behind a real work of Art. You ask, "How Can We Make Money Online Blogging About ADHD?"

“The Chef Needed FUEL After Creating ALL Of This”

Shall I Prepare A Chateaubriand For You?

French Chateaubriand Recipe

  “CLICK On The Chateaubriand For The Recipe”

Back in 1975, a much Younger Me washed dishes at the Bayview Hotel, a wonderful restaurant. The food was FABULOUS, but that did not seem to impress me. One night, Chef Carlson invited me to dinner at his house. After dinner, he showed me a Tomato, and with his paring knife, turned that Tomato into a Beautiful “Rose”.

"A Tomato Was Turned Into A Rose by Chef Carlson"

 “Chef Carlson’s Tomato Rose

That was my Trigger, the STIMULI Required, for it “ALL” to Begin for me. That same year I attended the Johnson and Wales Culinary Institute and became a Buffet Chef. This provided so much STIMULI for me, the Ice Carvings, Terrines, Galantines, Pulled Sugar Floral Arrangements, and of course, Parsley. Parsley?

The Chef would always say,Parsley Cures ALL!”. Once, jokingly, he said, Parsley Could Make A Plate Of Dog Poop Look Beautiful”. Say what?

Anyway, getting back to our Chef in the IMAGE. A lot of Time and Energy are Exhausted, to Create such a Gastronomic Feast, and so, a REFUEL is necessary. Regardless of the REFUEL, a BURNOUT usually follows after such a Successful Event. I survived the BURNOUT because I had time to Rest in between Parties.

So, while preparing this Feast, they ALL watched the Master at work, so, they Complimented him, and so, because of their Complements, he worked a little harder and spent a little more time on his Masterpeice. , meaning, that there were more Compliments, High Fives, and Pats on the Back.. 

This is when “THEY” (The Other EMPLOYEES tend to Resent What We Accomplish, I say, “Don’t Be Jealous, Sometimes Our Success Only Comes In Spurts, Then It’s Gone”.

Schools and Training

Johnson and Wales Culinary Institute    1975 – 1977                                                                                            I became a Buffet Chef and Catered some great Events

Electronics Technician US Navy    1981 – 1983                                                                                                      Repaired AN/SPN-41, 42, 43, and 44 Radars

Statistical Process Control   1995

Volunteer State Tennessee   2011                                                                                                                   Took all Prerequisites for Nursing

Tennessee College of Applied Technology  2013                                                                                                   I became a Nurse

ADDERS Are Attracted To Dangerous Jobs

Getting High Is A Real Thrill For ADDERS

So, immediately, you’ll want to CHALLENGE this Sub Header, quite frankly, I don’t blame you. But there’s no need to, my FELLOW ADDERS.  The HIGH that I Speak of, is UP in the air.

I Could Climb Like A Monkey

Back in 1988, in the Military, in a location, I’m not ALLOWED to disclose, I worked on a 200-foot Communication Tower, I got Blown out of that.

In 1995, I worked for a season, I operated the Boom Truck and climbed, and Felled Trees for a Tree Service.

In 2001 I worked on Cell Towers, we Built and Serviced your Cell Phone Network. That job ended abruptly, due to the Events of 911. We were a FreeLance Company, so, we weren’t Authorized to Climb Corporate Cell Towers anymore.

"A  Close Up View Of A Cell Tower Climber Up A  500 Foot Tower Hanging From The Top Hat Suspended By His Safety Harness"

“How I Used To Get High”

Let’s Get High Again

This Time With Voltages

As a Technician, I worked with Voltages as High as 4160 Volts. On a Muggy and Humid day, you could feel the hair on your arms, “Stand at Attention” as you got closer to the Electrical Box. In the 20 Years I worked with Voltages, I was only Shocked once, with 230 Volts.

"A  man is holding a wire and getting shocked his hair is all frazzled and standing on end there's sparks flying everywhere"

“Exaggerating A Little But You Get The Point”

Then It Was My Time To Serve My Country

U. S. Navy    1981 – 1989

Served as an Electronics Technician – Responsible for the Installation and Maintenance of the AN/SPN-41, 42, 43, and 44 Radar Systems, and a Plank Owner for the U.S/S. Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 Carrier Commissioned in 1986. Also assigned to the Master at Arms Department as a Patrol Man

"USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71"

“The Shock Trials Of The USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71”

U. S. Coast Guard    1991 – 1995

Served as an Electronic Technician responsible for servicing Sonar Systems. Stationed in Gloucester, Ma.

"A  Coast Guard Cutter Tied To The Docks At The Port Of Gloucester Massachusetts"

“Forever A Puddle Jumper”

U. S. Army

Assigned to the 278th Armored Calvary Regiment

Smyrna, TN as an Electronics Technician servicing Field Radios.

Work As A Technician In The Civilian’s World

Environmental Company 

As a Production Manager, for an Environmental Company, on the Electronic Production Line. I was always bothered by the “Excessive Labor” involved in the Manufacturing of a very small Electronic Circuit in the Water Pressure Probe.

This Circuit Module consisted of only 10 Components, some Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes, and a Transistor

Building this Module required them to bend and twist the Component leads together and Solder them. Afterward, they put them into a plastic cap and filled them with epoxy. To build 100 of these Modules using this Process, took ALL day.

I sat down with my friend Chris, the Genius, assigned to my Department, and asked if these Components could be put on a Circuit Board. Chris loved the Challenge, so, not only did he Design a Board to house the Components, but he was able to fit many Boards on one Large Circuit Board.

The large board held 100 Circuit Modules, the Production Worker could Mount and Solder the Entire Board

The Main Board was Perforated and would Snap apart. The Modules were dipped into the Epoxy now. Everybody wanted to help so the Documentation Department modified the Drawings. When it was ALL said and done, the Company was able to Save $186.00 per Module. I was Praised for my Efforts.

Complimenting A Person With ADHD

Is Like Fueling A GoCart With Jet Fuel.

"A man is on a go cart he has a big smile eyes wide open a very large hemi motor mounted to it large exhaust stacks fueled by jet fuel wheels burning out spinning smoke bellowing from tires a large jet flame shooting out the rear end, he's going really fast"

“Just Like A Go Cart Fueled With Jet Fuel”

There were 18 other Modules built the same way. The Department went to work, modified  ALL the Components, and were able to save the entire Product Line, we’re talking,  a savings of over a Million Dollars a Year.

The Owner was so grateful for our Efforts and Rewarded us with Bonuses and a Catered Party.

This happens all the time, amazing things have been Created, sometimes by  UNKNOWN HEROES, there is a need and somehow it just gets done.

Linen Company

This Linen Company Needed Modifications And Updates

A Linen Company, I worked in Maintenance as a Technician. Because it was a hot Workspace and they used a lot of Water, they always had problems with their Control Circuits, as they would Intermittently cut out from the Heat.

The Pneumatic Valves and Switches would get Waterlogged from Moisture in the Airlines. I was able to Resolve Those Problems, only because of the Help That I Received. 

My New Hispanic Friends Helped To Resolve The Issues

. "3 Mexican Women Wearing Factory Uniforms In A Linen Factory, They Are Smiling"

“Uh! They Didn’t Look Quite Like That, But They’ll Do”

It was difficult for the other Technicians to get to the Root of the many problems that seemed to Plague this Factory. Why? They felt that since the Operators couldn’t speak English, they were Probably Stupid. Oh, so….

That Reminds Me..Oh! No! My ADHD Is Kicking In Right Now!

I remember spending Liberty (A Day Off) at a Port in Beautiful Wilhelmshaven Germany (Hopefully, you’ll be able to visit there someday). It was around 7 AM, I had just got off Watch and had not been to sleep yet. So, I attempted to order Breakfast, So, what do Germans eat for Breakfast?

The Waitress Greeted me in German. So, what did I do? In a very LOUD VOICE, and a Crappy German Accent, I asked her what she recommended, and in a Very Loud Voice,  she said, “I’m German, Not Deaf!”.

We Laughed, And Her Response Broke The ICE.

I’ll Tell You ALL About Germany, In Another Post.

"Beautiful Wilhemshaven, Germany

“Beautiful Wilhemshaven, Germany”

So, that was how they Attempted to Communicate to the Operators. On many occasions, the Girls would Attempt to describe their many Issues.

The Techs did not Understand, they would give them a, “You’re Stupid” Look, they Couldn’t Understand what they were saying, and so, their Troubleshooting would Veer off in a Different Direction.

The Girls would look at them and Shake their heads in Disgust, some would Sneer and say something in Spanish. The Operators knew a great deal, they made Temporary TOOLS and JIGS to keep the Machines Running. So, how was I able to Succeed after being there only 3 Weeks?

Simple, First, I invited them over for Christmas Dinner, and as a Chef, I prepared them, Food from their Countries; Guatemala, Ecuador, Chihuahua, and Mexico. Second, I gave them each a Phone Card that had $10 in Minutes on it. Third, I learned a little Spanish.

I learned ALL their Secrets For Maintaining the Operation of Their Machines, and I made some GREAT FRIENDS, FOREVER FRIENDS.

Unfortunately, the Maintenance Department thought I had a New Allegiance with the Operators, and started to Treat me Differently. In their EYES, I’ve NOW, become an Outsider, and they Resented me for that. The Truth is, an ADDER is turned off by that kind of ATTITUDE.

Now, I looked at THEM DIFFERENTLY,  I never noticed it before, but they were Dodging Repair Calls.

Then, they started giving me ALL the CLEANUP CALLS, PUTTING OFF THE LARGE JOBS, and they’d WAIT until the Machine would FAIL, “HARD”. This would be VERY COSTLY because the FAIL could have been AVOIDED if Preventive Maintenance had been done as SCHEDULED.

Most IMPORTANTLY, the Factory wanted to “Come Into The 21st Century”, so they scheduled to REVAMP the entire FACTORY and INSTALL NEW EQUIPMENT. T

he Technicians did not like Change, and so they weren’t very helpful. In addition to NEW EQUIPMENT, they INVESTED in NEW Floors, NEW Walls, and a NEW Break Room. Some of them decided to leave. It was their LOSS.

So, Why Do We Do The Things That We Do?

We certainly don’t do it for the Glory. Let me tell you, whenever I Helped Others, made Recommendations for Change, had Answers to Problems, and took the Time To Resolve The Issue, it was DIFFICULT for me. In some cases, the Management opposed Change, of ANY Kind. You would always hear, “We Never Did It That Way Before”.

Some Employees didn’t want to learn anything New. The “GOOD Thing”, was that they Eventually Got Used to the Change, and it did Save the Factory a Lot of Money. The “BAD Thing” was that No One would ever Come Back and Thank Me. In my Heart, I knew that I Helped and that it was Right.

For an ADDER though, it’s rather Deflating, to Intensely Work at it for months on end, was Physically and Emotionally Exhausting.

Something needed to happen, the ADDER needed to REFUEL or BURNOUT, or he would eventually Leave For Another Job that would Appreciate an Employee with that type of Work Ethic. In my case, the one who Appreciated it most, the Owner, Rewarded Me Handsomely.

So, I Would Go On To Work, Another Day.

ADDERS DO THIS for the Challenge, they make Observations, understand what the Problems are, and are Immediately able to Resolve the Issue. In most cases, they have not been Schooled or even Trained to Perform such Feats. That’s what ADHD is, and I was fortunate enough to Excel at many things because of it.

If You’re Interested, CLICK On Young Alan Below.

"This Is Alan, He's Angry And He's Screaming Because He Is Riddled With ADHD"


So, Do We Boast About Our Success?

Having ADHD has given me a Real Discernment of People, I am Very Sensitive, and I can read Facial Expressions. I watch how People React when I Speak.

I can tell when somebody likes me or not. An ADDER wants to be Loved By Everybody, when I Sense that a Person doesn’t like me, and looks at me in Disgust, I become Weak, it Knocks the wind out of me. That’s MY Kryptonite.

"An Old Man With Disheveled Hair Very Large Muscles Wearing A Superman Outfit Looks Like He's In Pain As He Grimaces From Pain Fearfully Looks At Kryptonite On A Desk In Front Of Him, There Are Several People Looking At Him In Disgust, They're Smirking And Snickering At Him"

“Being Ridiculed Is My Kryptonite”

Many times in the Past, because of my ADHD, I would ask too many questions. It’s not because of ALL the Questions, that would PISS them off, but How I Asked the Questions. You see,

When I Ask a Question, I’m already, ready, to ask the Next Question before they’ve even finished answering. I Might Figure Out the Answer, just a few words into their answer.

In Manufacturing, when the Production Line stops, it’s necessary to get it back up and running quickly. So, for a Quick Resolve, I’m Ready to ask the next Question.

When they’re still Processing That Question, I’ll be several steps ahead, and then I Quickly Solve the Problem. So, they get mad because I Interrupt them while they’re still Answering the Question.

I got so far ahead of them in the process, that when I came up with the Answer, it made no sense to them. A GOOD Example is Troubleshooting an Electronic Circuit.

They’ll be trying to Test a Circuit on a Certain Board with a Meter, but in my head, I had already Deduced that the Board was GOOD, and I quickly zoned in on a Tiny Component Several Boards, Several Hundred Components Away.

"A Large Computer, It Has All The Bells And Whistles, Fancy Gadgets, Many Lights, 2 Engineers Looks At Computer Scratching Their Heads, They Can't Figure The Problem Out, There's 2 Men In The Break Room Laughing And Smoking Cigarettes, A Janitor Looks Behind The Computer, He's Holding The Power Cord In His Hand, That's What The Problem Was All Along"

“The Janitor Accidentally Unplugged The Power Cord”


I Don’t Boast About It And…..

They Still Don’t Want To Play With Me

It’s not intentional, I don’t try to be Rude, I get in a Zone, I FIX it, and then I move on. They want to Punch Me in the Face. They also want to take a cigarette break, then come back later to Work on the Problem,

UH! No! Sorry, not me. I’ll Stay and Work on the Problem until I’ve found the Problem. It’s like what Monk always says, “It’s A Blessing And A Curse”.

So! How Do You Feel?

My Physical Health

"old man disheveled hair ad clothes with a walker that has a seat a urinal bottle is clipped on a large drink bottle with a long straw going into his mouth he is wearing headphones on his head and and wearing a Boston Red Sox cap he has a cup that says Donations, photo art

UPDATE: I Was Just Diagnosed With Stage 4 Lung Cancer, But My Oncologist Dr. M.D. Will Be There All The Way To FIGHT The Battle With Me. Prayers Are Welcome Folks.

These are just a few Services that are available to us ADDERS. So, CHECK IT OUT!

The Therapeutic Treatment That’s Available For ADHD

Technical Tools, Toys, To Tease, To Teach, To Treat

ADHD Planners

Wisey ADHD Planner

Best ADHD Planner

ADHD Digital Planner

Future ADHD Planner

To Teach

Brain Training

ADHD Puzzle

To Tease

Honestly ADHD

Brain Training

ADHD Websites


More To ADHD

ADHD Online

ADHD Blogs

Untapped Brilliance


Marla Cummins

  AbstractAlan Says

"A lovely picture of a lovely man-ME"


46 thoughts on “My Assessment Of My ADHD Based On A Lifetime With It”

  1. What an insightful journey through your experiences with ADHD and how it has shaped your life! Your ability to recognize both the challenges and strengths associated with ADHD is truly remarkable. Reflecting on your blog post, I’m curious to know, how has your newfound understanding of ADHD influenced your approach to problem-solving in both your personal and professional life? It seems like you’ve found innovative ways to navigate challenges and excel in various roles, despite the obstacles.

    • Thanks, Jason, Most projects are a challenge until I step back and approach them with a fresh eye. There’s a lot of trial and error.



  2. I just wanted to commend you on writing such a great article.  I was wondering at first about all the bold, italics, capitalization, fonts, etc. and it all made perfect sense once and how you explained it.  It is very difficult to put yourself in another’s shoes as each person with ADHD will have similarities as well as differences.  I appreciate how you took your own experiences and your writing style to tell us your story!  I love how you explained that not thinking the same way as many others is actually a positive of ADHD.

    Our oldest son has ADHD and tested at 7 out of 10 “H” markers and while the psychologist was evaluating him, he apparently was evaluating my wife as well since he informed her she had ADD.  Therefore, I can somewhat relate to how your family may have felt.  Our son definitely loved the daring stuff (still does) and was inappropriate with his comments and timing quite a bit throughout school.  For a while we were able to control it with a strict diet, until we couldn’t control everything he ate and drank (soda).  At that point he was in 8th grade and we finally tried a variety of medications as well as dosages to get him through the school day and his homework.  Once he was in college he did not need as much to concentrate and eventually weaned himself off the medications.  I am proud to say has his own successful business and is always still thinking outside the box.

    Best wishes to you!

    • Thank you for reading Scott. Yes, Diet’s important, I finally let go and started taking Ritalin. I think the modern reader, who skims through an article, has some form of ADD, or it mocks ADD. If the text doesn’t jump out at them, they lose interest. My major problem has been trying to perfect just one article before I bring traffic to it. I’ll eventually learn.



  3. Your assessment of living with ADHD resonated deeply with me. It’s refreshing to see someone openly share their experiences with this condition. Have you discovered any particular strategies or coping mechanisms that have been especially helpful for you? Personally, I’ve found mindfulness techniques and setting structured routines to be beneficial in managing ADHD symptoms.

    Your honesty about the challenges and triumphs of living with ADHD is commendable. It’s a reminder that despite the hurdles, there’s still room for growth and success. How do you navigate misconceptions or stigma surrounding ADHD in your daily life? Your perspective could provide valuable insight for others facing similar struggles. Thank you for shedding light on this important topic!

  4. Hi, 

    I found your article to be an impressive one. Because I myself personally am interested in this topic. Exploring personal narratives like this offers a profound glimpse into the complexities and nuances of living with ADHD. This account underscores the significant impact of late diagnosis and the journey towards self-understanding and acceptance. It emphasizes the creative and adaptive strengths that can emerge from the ADHD experience, particularly in navigating challenges and developing unique coping mechanisms. This perspective not only humanizes ADHD beyond stereotypes but also highlights the importance of empathy, support, and recognizing the diverse talents within everyone. It’s a reminder of the richness of human diversity and the potential within different ways of thinking and being.

  5. This was a fascinating article on ADHD! Your thorough explanation of it from your perspective is eye opening. I have a friend that has this so I’m researching information to know how this affects people. You have enlightened me to how people with ADHD can act. I sure am glad that the medicine my friend takes really levels him out very well.

  6. As someone who initially found the excessive use of BOLD and capitalized words in this article a bit overwhelming, I appreciate your disclosure about your ADHD diagnosis. It’s a reminder of how differently we all perceive and interact with information. I’m curious, though, how others with ADHD experience reading and writing. Do you find certain formatting styles help you process information better? And for those without ADHD, has this article changed your perspective on how you interpret unconventional writing styles?

    • Great question Greg, 

      Thanks for Reading this. I’ve been through Electronics School, Statistical Process Control, and Nursing College, and if I didn’t take that boring text I had to study and illustrate or make it Bold, (Damn! I just noticed, this word processor doesn’t have BOLD, I hope I can get through this), I would lose interest in the Read right away. I do much better now with Ritalin, so I try to share this Writing Style with the like-minded.

      I’m sure that it probably does annoy you, my Brother can’t stand it. My Daughter, however, can’t put my stories down. It is odd how different our brains are. I can walk onto a Manufacturing Floor (THIS IS NO EXAGGERATION), walk down the length of it, and redesign it in my head as I walk, utilizing SPC (Statistical Process Control). It’s quite Eerie, I know, but it’s true. 

      And even though I can Mechanically, Pneumatically, Hydraulically, or Electronically rebuild what I have envisioned, I just don’t have the patience to do it. That takes somebody else’s brain, the other type of brain to do it. 

      If the Engineering Departments around the US were Staffed with these two different types of Engineers, then we would be more Productive and have less waste in the Manufacturing Process, that is, one to DREAM IT, and one to BUILD IT, Look up Professor W. Edwards Deming, and what he did for Japan. I’m sure that he must have had ADHD, or he was an Alien. Does that make sense?

      Thanks again for reading, I hope you read and watched all the way through. I tried to make it as entertaining as possible.


      Alan friend to ALL ADDERS

  7. Hi there,
    Your post on living with ADHD through a lifetime offers an incredibly personal and insightful look into the challenges and unique perspectives that come with ADHD. The humor and candidness you bring to the topic not only make it relatable but also highlight the strengths and creative potential that can accompany ADHD. It’s refreshing to see this kind of honesty and self-awareness in discussing mental health. How have your strategies for managing ADHD evolved over time, especially in professional settings?
    Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. Your openness is truly appreciated.

    Best, Max

    • Thank you Makhsud,

      In my case, there was a lot of trial and error involved. Professionally, I would think of it in my head, and then build a prototype. If it worked, then I would present it to management, and they would mass-produce it. To get it approved I would utilize SPC and remove the bugs before it was manufactured.



  8. Hi there –
    Wow! Whether you knew you had ADHD or not you did not let it stop you from taking on challenges. That is inspiring to me and many other people out there.  I agree with you that blogging is a creative outlet for many people. And some turn into a successful business by being themselves.

    We all have our idiosyncrasies or pet peeves. How were you able to decrease the urge to ask more questions?


    • Oh Man, I take Ritalin and still ask a ton of questions. That’s the essence of ADHD, we bug the Crap out of people until we get to the bottom of the problem.



  9. Living with ADHD can be a real challenge for most people, specially if they do not understand the condition. I found this blog very interesting and informative to read how you are dealing with it. It will be an inspiration for anyone wanting to know more about how to deal with ADHD on a daily basis. 

    My niec was diagnosed with ADHD and I know she has been using Retinol with much success. I am sure she will find your assessment very helpful, so I will be sharing this with her. 

  10. Ah, the adventures of living with ADHD: from dodging nun rulers to climbing communication towers like a monkey! Who needs a dull 9-to-5 when you can have a career that’s a rollercoaster ride of creativity and danger? Just don’t forget to fuel up your ADHD-powered go-kart with some jet fuel every now and then. And remember, when life throws you curveballs, just blame it on the Wealthy Affiliate Syndrome. Who knew being a circus freak could be so entertaining?

  11. Your personal assessment of living with ADHD throughout your life is both heartfelt and enlightening. Sharing your experiences provides a unique and valuable perspective that can help others feel understood or offer insights into what it’s like to navigate life with ADHD. Thanks for such an open and informative post!

  12. Thank you for sharing your deeply personal journey with ADHD. Your vivid descriptions of your experiences growing up and the challenges you faced resonate deeply. It takes courage to confront and explore one’s own behavior and its underlying causes, and your willingness to do so is commendable.

    Your openness about your struggles and triumphs serves as an inspiration to others navigating similar paths. Keep sharing your story, as it undoubtedly provides hope and encouragement to those who may be struggling with ADHD themselves. Thank you for shedding light on this important topic and for being a beacon of resilience and perseverance.

  13. I enjoyed reading your blog post, “My Assessment of My ADHD Based On A Lifetime With It.” It offers an open perspective on living with ADHD, especially for someone like me who does not know what it feels like to live with ADHD, although sometimes I wonder if I do have it, but that’s for another conversation. I really liked how you skillfully added humor and personal stories to shed light on the complexities of living with ADHD.

    I’m curious, given your experiences and insights, how do you respond to the argument that ADHD might be overdiagnosed or even misdiagnosed, especially considering the wide range of behaviors and symptoms that can vary greatly from person to person?



    • Greetings KW, It is misdiagnosed a lot, that’s why they should use the 70 question test. It’s precise. 

      Best Regards,


  14. I love the tongue-in-cheek way you have of writing and this makes your article most entertaining. I must say your style of writing with all the colors and bold lettering does make you slow down when you read the article, so you are achieving the purpose here for sure.

    I tried your test and I got 29 points which is borderline. That is something for me to think about. As a consolation, at least I know that ADHD people are generally highly intelligent.

    • Thanks for reading Michel. It’s so hard to get people to read now a days. When I write, I treat it like an amusement ride. There’s a different ride evrywherer you turn.

      Thanks again,


  15. This website helps people get a clear understanding from one person’s point of view and perspective and is very relatable for some people (myself included) that may have family that have it. Can ADHD be deemed at any point in life and is it something that you forever live with?

  16. You can edit this part of my comment out, I did see your request at the top of the page about Google and your writing style. While I am not an expert on this, I think you may rank for some unintended keywords with the bold and colorful type. A little extra traffic can’t hurt as long as they are not disappointed in their find.

    I cannot imagine walking through life with ADHD and not being aware. I tease that I am borderline ADHD, but I seriously doubt that I am, I have never been diagnosed, nor have I asked to be. 

    But this could create serious learning and social issues if gone undetected. Did you have those issues as a child or an adult? 

    Thanks for bringing awareness to Adult ADHD and how it can go undetected.


  17. Your account of living with ADHD is both enlightening and inspiring. As someone who also lives with ADHD, I can relate to a lot of what you’ve shared.
    Your point on identifying triggers for a hyperfocused state particularly resonated with me. I’m curious, could you share any strategies that have worked for you in inducing this state of hyperfocus?
    Also, you mentioned using a unique writing style as a coping strategy, which I find intriguing. Would you mind elaborating on how this has helped you, and maybe provide an example of how you’ve tweaked your writing to make it more engaging for readers with ADHD?

  18. Your writing style is engaging and reflects the ADHD experience, incorporating humor, colorful language, and unconventional formatting.

    They emphasize the importance of understanding and embracing one’s unique traits, turning perceived weaknesses into strengths. 

    Additionally, they provide practical tips for managing ADHD symptoms and leveraging its creative potential, particularly in blogging and writing.

    Overall, this article offers a refreshing perspective on ADHD, showcasing the resilience and creativity that can arise from living with the condition. 

    It serves as both a personal narrative and a guide for others navigating similar experiences. It was very helpful and taught me a lot.

  19. I would like to start off by saying your post is very engaging. The photos strategically placed throughout the post just keep grabbing your attention back. The content is informative while being humerus which keeps you reading to see what you have to say next. There are many things you shined light on about ADHD because people refer to it constantly but, seldomly explain anything about how someone may react to things. When my nephew was diagnosed with ADHD we were clueless about what the next step was and how we could help him. The teacher he had was clueless as to what  it meant or what to do to guarantee he was successful. Thank you for all the information while adding some humor! 

  20. Hey there, stumbled upon your assessment of ADHD based on your lifetime experience with it, and I just have to say, it’s incredibly brave and insightful of you to share your journey in such an open and honest way. Your reflections on how ADHD has shaped various aspects of your life shed light on the challenges and strengths that come with this condition, and it’s truly enlightening to read.

    I love how you’ve delved into not just the struggles but also the unique perspectives and talents that often accompany ADHD. Your discussion of hyperfocus, creativity, and unconventional problem-solving really resonated with me, and I’m sure many others who are navigating life with ADHD will find solace and inspiration in your words.

    One thing I was curious about—how do you think society’s perception of ADHD has evolved over the years, and what changes would you like to see in terms of how ADHD is understood and accommodated? It’s clear that you have a deep understanding of the condition, and I’m interested to hear your thoughts on how we can better support individuals with ADHD in various aspects of life. Overall, though, thank you for sharing your story so openly. You’re shining a much-needed light on an often misunderstood topic, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from your experiences. Keep on being awesome!


    • Sorry, my response took so long Bob, I’m fighting Cancer right now. I appreciate you reading my article. As with ADHD, my focus has been on my Cancer. That’s another symptom of ADHD, tunnel vision. When I start to see results from my Chemo, I’ll start writing again.

      Thanks again

      Alan Weaver

  21. I was fascinated by your article. I can remember a couple of boys at school who were constantly in trouble because they couldn’t keep their mouths shut. What sounded rude to the teachers, inevitably ended up with the cane and detention. Yes, I am of a certain age too.

    As I got older I realized the boys in question suffered from ADHD, and now one of my neighbors has a teenage daughter who has recently been diagnosed with the same condition. I will show them your article and in particular let them look at the importance of praising someone. A great read that I hope helps many people worldwide.

    • Thank you Sir,

          Have her take advantage of the Tools below. She can chat with people just like her.


      Alan Weaver

  22. Hello, 

    It seems like you have put a lot of thought and effort into reflecting on your experiences with ADHD and how it has shaped your life. From your childhood antics to your career choices and creative endeavorus, you have shared a comprehensive overview of your journey.

    Your writing style is engaging and filled with humor, which makes it enjoyable to read despite the challenges you have faced. It is inspiring to see how you have learned to harness your ADHD traits as strengths, whether it is through your creativity, problem-solving skills or ability to thrive in dynamic environments.

    • Thank you Starlight, I’m sorry about the long delay, I’m fighting an illness. Thank you for the kind remarks, every day is a challenge, as long as there’s still another day, I’ll keep advancing ahead.



  23. The delayed diagnosis of ADHD is a common experience for many adults, as symptoms can be misunderstood or overlooked during childhood. This highlights the importance of awareness and early intervention to better support those affected from a young age.

    How did your approach to managing ADHD evolve over time, and what resources or strategies have you found most beneficial in your daily life?

    • Thanks Sam, Just KNOWING took the sting out of the battle. Once I understood what was going on made it more manageable.Thank you for your insight and comments. Respectfully, Alan

  24. I just finished reading your personal assessment of living with ADHD, and it was incredibly insightful. Your honest reflections on how ADHD has impacted various aspects of your life, from childhood to adulthood, really resonated with me. I appreciate the way you highlighted both the challenges and the unique strengths that come with ADHD.

    One part that stood out to me was your discussion on coping strategies and finding what works best for you. I’m curious: Is there a particular coping mechanism or strategy that has been especially transformative for you in managing your ADHD? Your experience could be really helpful for others navigating similar journeys.

    • Thanks Kiersti, I found that writing about it is the best therapy since you can edit your words before you hit the “SEND” button. You can’t do that when you’re talking to someone, that would be cool if you could.

      Thank you



  25. Hi Alan, your journey with ADHD is captivating! From childhood memories to discovering your diagnosis later in life, and finally, embracing your unique perspective as a superpower, your story is both relatable and inspiring. I admire how you’ve turned your experiences into a positive force, using writing as a therapeutic outlet and sharing your insights with others. Your engaging writing style, coupled with your ability to find humor in past challenges, makes your story not only informative but also enjoyable to read.

    I’m truly sorry to hear about your stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. Be kind to yourself. Focus on the things that bring you joy, lean on your loved ones for support, and don’t hesitate to reach out to support groups, where you can connect with others who understand what you’re going through. Embracing each day with a positive outlook, as challenging as it may be, can make a significant difference. I am rooting for you and wishing you strength and peace on this journey.

    • Thank you for the kind words. I’m trying to write everything down, before I can’t. Please Follow.


      Alan Weaver


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