Reclaim Your Independence! Web Creation for SENIORS

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"These men are looking for a job. In the future you'll be able to: "Reclaim Your Independence: Web Creation for SENIORS"

The name of this article is, “Reclaim Your Independence! Web Creation For SENIORS”. If Alan had read this Article first, he and his friends wouldn’t have to be looking under rocks for a job. Yes, you heard me right. They’re looking under rocks and behind trees.

Reclaim Your Independence!

Web Creation For SENIORS

"Alan is seeking counsel from an owl and a squirrel"

“Alan Seeks Counsel From An Owl And A Squirrel”

Alan’s Unconventional Job Hunt

Neighbors are seeing Alan conversing with squirrels about LinkedIn, asking owls for advice on crafting resumes, and even attempting to use a stream’s reflection as a monitor. “I Told Him He Could Use My Computer”, said Mabel Harris, a longtime friend. “But He Insists That The Answers Are Out In The Woods”.

The Speedy Nomad

Alan is known around these parts as, “SPEEDY”, with his 2003 Toyota Corolla that “NOW” has over 420,000 miles on her, he drives at extremely tremendous speeds, topping out at a “WHOPPING” 37MPH.

"This is Alan driving his trusty 2003 Toyota Corolla with nearly 420,000 miles on her"

“Alan’s Trusty 2003 Toyota Corolla”

Headquarters in the Wild

His abode, an Old Rickety Shed perched on the mountainside, has become his “HEADQUARTERS”. Maps line the outside of the building with (MARKS THE SPOT), that’s where the jobs are. He’s checked and notes about potential Wi-Fi hotspots found in bird nests that adorn the wall.

"Alan's Headquarters X Marks The Spot"

“X Marks The Spot”

Unusual Tech Lessons

His Mo-by- al Local Tech expert, 12-year-old BUBBA, tried to explain the internet to Alan, using a tablet. Alan, however, was more interested in understanding how many trees were cut down to make this TABLET. 

"Alan wants to know how man trees were killed to make the tablet"

                                             “Alan Wants To Know, “How Mny Trees They “KILT”                                                  To Mek Dis Dadbern Kuntraption?”

Optimism Amidst Unorthodox Methods

Despite the community’s mixed reactions, Alan’s friends are touched by his dedication. “He’s A Bit Out There, But His Heart Is In The Right Place,” chuckled his 80-year-old wife, Emily, who was secretly hoping Alan’s forest job hunt might turn up something for her.

"Alan Finds His Wife Emily A New Job"

“Emily Is Happy That Alan Found Her A Job”

The Quest Continues

As the search continues, Alan remains optimistic. “I haven’t checked the caves up north! The bats might be hoarding all the good jobs!” he said with determination. “Bats? Yes! Bats!”

A Tale of Friendship and Adventure

While his methods might be Unconventional and his Understanding of Technology Questionable, Alan’s Spirited Endeavor has brought Laughter and a unique Camaraderie to this mountain community.

“We may not find any online jobs out there,” said Alan, gazing at the sunset, “but we’re finding something more important – adventure and a good story to tell.”

And with that, Alan trudged back into the wilderness, armed with a magnifying glass and an unshakeable belief that somewhere, beneath a stone or within a tree hollow, the perfect Online Job for his friends awaits discovery.

"Alan found his friends jobs"

“Alan’s Excited Because He Found Work For His Friends”

It’s easy friends. Alan plans to become successful enough to help his friends, and he does. Alan set them up in Business because they all love wildlife, Alan created a Business Monitoring the animals. The New Hampshire Wildlife Association will pay them for their service. Alan built them a Website to track all the animals.

"Alan found jobs for his friends, "Look At Em Go!"

“Look At Em Go! They Got Work!”

This cute story is brought to you by the Wealthy Affiliate. We are everything in the Online Business world. First, if you have drained your resources, “I mean you don’t have a pot to “YOU NO WHAT” in, then we are here for you”.

The Wealthy Affiliate provides the training that you need, to try it for FREE. Yes, for FREE. The Wealthy Affiliate offers FREE membership to get you on your way.

They will set you up with a FREE Website, FREE Training, many hours of Teaching Videos, and a CHAT LINE loaded with very Successful Entrepreneurs that will answer any question you have, for FREE! I mean,

Who Does That?

It’s like the article says, “Reclaim Your Independence! Web Creation for SENIORS”. There are a lot of SENIORS who are members of the Wealthy Affiliate. I have a SENIOR friend who is a member here, He was a Lawyer in family, criminal, and civil law for 38+ years, a Champion Rower, and now a wellness coach.

This man is kind enough to counsel and teach us. These members help one another at all times. My friend is one of those who coach and helps the member become successful.

So, Ya Still Not Sure Bout Us?

Well, remember Sheriff Roy?

Let him check it out for ya!

"Sheriff Roy Looking At His Magnifying Glass"

                          “CLICK On Sheriff Roy”

Let’s start with the Better Business Bureau, they gave them an A+ 

Then I used the Trust Pilot, which had them ranked at 4.9/5

And last, the Scam Detector. it gave the Wealthy Affiliate 100%.

This link is a thorough review of the Wealthy Affiliate.

You should review the other companies to check on their legitimacy.


Wealthy Affiliate is so confident of the service that they provide, that they will give you FREE MEMBERSHIP, so you can test the waters, so to speak. They will give you a FREE Website you can build, FREE Training, and a support system that can’t be beaten (our chat line has over 2.7 Million Members, many of them Very Successful Entrepreneurs who will be available 24/7 to answer any question that you may have.

"Alan with an Large Announcer"s Microphone"

“SENIORS This One Goes Out To You”

We interrupt the “Old Fashioned Hour” to tell you about the Wealthy Affiliate, the “ONLINE BUSINESS” that is sweeping the whole wide world. Today, in society, “AFFILIATE MARKETERS” are finding it very difficult to find honorable and ethical “AFFILIATE TRAINING CENTERS” nowadays that offer real training for the Entrepreneur.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our training is second to none. There are thousands of hours of training, hundreds of hours of videos, and the most technologically advanced training today. 

WEALTHY AFFILIATE” has over “2.7 MILLION MEMBERS”. Why? Because they “ALL” know who the leader in “AFFILIATE MARKETING” is The “WEALTHY AFFILIATE” truly is #1 in Affiliate Marketing based on over 50,000 independent reviews.

Even if you decide not to come on board, I would like you to come back as my guest. I am attempting to develop a readership of sorts. So, come back and hang with me, I try to write 1 Article a day, mostly about “SENIOR CITIZENS”. I Take A Slightly Comical Approach To Writing.

Funny Stories About SENIORS

"an old decrepit looking Popeye"

“Affiliate Marketing For SENIORS”

"Alan talking to the real cool kids"

  “Website Building For SENIORS”

 "Alan jumping up and down with his cats; jumping for joy"

 “Website Creation For SENIORS”

 "Andy and Bubba sit in front of a computer"

 “SENIORS Thrive In Affiliate Marketing”

"An Artist paints everything in sight"

 “How To Be Creative Online”

Please read the links above.

If You Like My Articles, Please “COMMENT”

So, If You’re Interested, JOIN ME

     AbstractAlan says,

“It’s All Bout Me Mama”.

12 thoughts on “Reclaim Your Independence! Web Creation for SENIORS”

  1. This is a great way for seniors to make money, and retire. As many seniors find that they are not capable of as much physical work as they were in the past, often finding themselves remaining in one particular area, or even place.

    This method of affiliate marketing takes seniors circumstances into account and provides them a source of income with freedom and control. 

    Thank you for sharing, hopefully many seniors will be able to happily retire now, or generate more financial freedom!

  2. Hey there, another great story of Alan. Really creative and outside the box thinkg. It’s great how he’s helping his friends find jobs through Wealthy Affiliate, even if it involves some unconventional methods. But hey, who knew bats could be hoarding all the good jobs, right?Keep these hilarious stories coming – they’re a breath of fresh air! 

  3. What a humorous way to describe Alan’s quest for tracking down jobs for seniors. And with the advancement in technology, the digital world is available to everybody, including retirees and seniors. 

    I look forward to reading more about Alan’s antics and how he helps his friends to find jobs as seniors. Do you think Alan would also help youngsters to find jobs? I am sure they will appreciate a guide dedicated to their age.

  4. Hello Alan,

     I absolutely adore the style of your writing! It’s not only informative but also incredibly fun and engaging. The way you weave humor into the serious topic of finding work online for seniors is brilliant. It definitely adds a light-hearted touch to what can be an overwhelming process. I got a good chuckle out of the cave and bats analogy – it’s so creative! I guess I should check the caves nearby to see if any bats are hoarding jobs therein! 😄 Keep up the fantastic work, Alan! Your posts are not only helpful but a joy to read.


    • Hey Danny, you’re so kind, thank you. I try to really keep it real, even though the stories are not. I created Alan to promote WA without insulting the brand. Since you ACTUALLY read this dribble of mine, please let me know when I’m getting out of hand. I really love the character, but I really love people like you who actually read it and enjoy it.

      Thanks a lot Danny,


      Alan aka AbstractAlan

  5. Hello there and thanks for your post, I have just finished reading about Alan’s creative journey to find online work for seniors. I really did have to smile too as it is nice to see such a lighthearted take on this topic as opposed to the standard text you find online. 

    I have been checking out online work myself and found it to be an exciting, albeit sometimes confusing adventure. 

    Your mention of Wealthy Affiliate caught my attention too, it sounds like a great resource. Have you or someone you know personally benefited from their training? I am always on the lookout for helpful tips and good training. 

    Keep up the great work with your blog! I like it.

    • Hey Chris, It’s always great to read your kind comments. Now, before I turn you on to something, I want to show you something first. Since I’m a “SELF PROMOTING SCHLUB” I would like to turn you on to some articles. One is a creative work, there’s a lot of great stuff as well as Goofy, so I hope you like it. Next, was before the creation of Alan, and then the creation of Alan.

      This one has very creative AI art, some funny stuff for sure. In addition is my buddy Matthew, the way that he drew me was hilarious, it’s called:
      This one is called, “How To Be Creative Online”

      This one is called, “”Affiliate Marketing For Seniors?”

      This is cute, it’s called, “Online Jobs For Senior Citizens”

      and now the creation of Alan, it’s called, “How Can I Be An Affiliate Marketer?”

      They’re fun to do. I’m working on one called, “Online Jobs For Seniors At Home”

      Our friend, Alan will show us one of his crazy online businesses, and he’s going to help Bubba, who’s 18 now, how to get an online job for him

    • Hey Chris, Always great to read your kind comments. Look, before I share something with you I want to show you something. Since I’m such a “SELF PROMOTING SCHLUB” 

      I would love to show you these articles, they’re funny abd creative and they will actually answer a question you have about, if not then email me:

      If you need to know more about me then CLICK HERE

      Thanks again Chris


      Alan aka AbstractAlan

  6. Brilliant, Alan, I loved it.

    Just one correction. I actually have around 30 websites. 7 is the most that WA allows you to list on your profile. I had to delete an older one in order to list my latest Happy, Fit and Slim. That’s where I’ll be hosting my new 12-week training course to teach people how to lose weight (and keep it off) and get fit with a lifestyle change.


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