AI Made Easy: How To Harness Creativity

I Alan, throughout Hickman as a “FILL-EE-IT-MARK-U-TR” (Affiliate Marketer), had a wild dream. He wanted to build a “Robot” with “AI”. He wrote a new book entitled, “AI Made Easy: How To Harness Creativity”. “Alan, wrote about “AI”, unknown how he was to put it into action. Note: Although this story and its characters are … Read more

How Can A Beginner Build A Website With WordPress?

Well, the question was raised, “How Can A Beginner Build A Website With WordPress?“. Have you ever wondered if creating a website could be straightforward, even for a beginner? Guess what? It can be, especially with a platform like WordPress. I’m going to introduce you to the world of building your first Website using this … Read more

Simple Website Building For SENIOR Innovators

Alan Man’s new book is entitled, “Simple Website Building For Senior Innovators”. With it, you’ll be able to Build Websites and Start your own Online Business. Alan’s book gives everybody a leg up on the Internet.  “HYDI HO! Mu Name’s “SCOOTER”. I’m “Alan Man’s” BFFF (Best Fishing Friend Forever). “I’d Sho Like Tu Tellya Da Story, Bout, … Read more

 Trailblaze Your Journey: Training In AI

Today’s post is entitled, “Trailblaze Your Journey Man! FREE Training In Artificial Intelligence”. In this Article you’ll learn how you can get FREE Artificial Intelligence Training and much, much more. When I was a kid, there was never any talk about AI, it was only several years ago for me that I first heard those … Read more

Unleashing Success! How To Choose Your NICHE Wisely

Alan Man wrote an article about his attempt to find a NICHE. It was entitled, “Unleashing Success Man! How to Choose Your Niche Wisely”. So, picture this: A 68-year-old Alan Man, blindfolded, wandering through a vast warehouse cluttered with everything under the sun. Why blindfolded, you ask? Well, because he’s on a mission to find … Read more

Empower Your Journey! Website Building For SENIORS Entrepreneurs

In the age where digital jobs are as common as iced lattes, 68-year-old best-selling author Alan, has written another one entitled, “Empower Your Journey: Website Building for SENIOR Entrepreneurs”. His journey is not just a quest to help SENIORS build Websites. It’s an adventure into the heart of what the “KOOOL” kids are doing these … Read more