Empower SENIOR Years: Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategy

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Popeye says, "I may be very old and decrepit, but I know how to "Empower Your Golden Years: Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategies For Seniors"


This Article is entitled, “Empower SENIOR Years: Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategies, and so, I want to show you a few powerful strategies, that like the Title says, will Empower you in your SENIOR years. I thought that when I Retired, I would enjoy just sitting around the house and watching TV. Well, I did quite a bit of binge-watching at first, I binged on “Monk” a couple of times.

Empower SENIOR Years: Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategies

I felt that I would just sit back and enjoy the ride. Well, I’m still waiting for that ride. I’m 68 now, and back in 2013, I decided to go back to school. I thought, that’s it, I’ll never be able to do it. When I graduated in 1974, I said,” That’s It, No More School For Me”. Then in 1976, I attended “Johnson and Wales Culinary Institute”, and again I thought, “No more school”. I enlisted in the military and attended their “Electronics Schools”, all four of them, so, no more school right?

So, in 2013, there I was, back in school again, “Nursing School”, that is. Wow! I hadn’t been back to school in “Forever”, or so it seemed. Man, how would I possibly be able to “Retain” anything, anymore? Well, I passed all my “Prerequisites” for “Nursing” and went on to “Nursing School”. I graduated with an A and passed my NCLEX exam the first time around.

When I was younger I trained with The Goffstown Fire Department and always felt a little humble about that, being able to work with the firefighters. Now, I’ll be able to help again.

 ,"Hey, I think that's me with my hand raised in the classroom"

                      “OOH! OOH! Me! Me!”                 

I surprised myself, I was able to “Retain” all that “Medical Terminology”. Please don’t ask me to recite any of that stuff now. Now, my retention is so poor, that I even “Forgot” what I was about to say. Getting old doesn’t have to be a bad thing though, because I have “Selective Hearing” and “I Already Forgot What My Wife Is About To Say”.

So it’s great. My “Mother” doesn’t seem to suffer from her age, “She’s Older Than Me. In Case You’re Wondering. she’s older than me in case you’re wondering. At “90”, she walks a mile every day, goes on “Field Trips” with her friends, and can “Manhandle a Mean iPad”.

You know, we “Seasoned Citizens”, we’re not “Nearing” the end, we’re just “Resurrecting” a “New Life”,  instead.  Nowadays, more and more, you hear about the elderly becoming “Millionaires” and taking on the world. It amazes me, and yet here I am.

I think that it’s great that “Affiliate Marketing” does not discriminate against the elderly. How could it, do you know how old that person is, that you’re “Online” with? 

It’s Pretty Hard For This Generation To Accept Us Though. 

I Had One Kid Say To Me,

"An old man looking sternly at a Goth girl, she doesn't seem to happy with him either"

“Alan Looks Down At The Little Goth Girl”

She said, “Wuh? Like, You Don’t Know New Math?

Jeesh! Like, Yer Not That Bright Are You?”

I said, “Wow! Like, You Don’t Know Old Math, History, Phonetics,

Cursive Writing, How To Count Change Or Tell Time With An Analog Clock.

“Like, Wow, You’re Stupid”.

No, but they know “LIKE” LOL, OMG, AND WTF.

Now They’re Attacking Gender.

Question, If I TRANSPlant a Rose Bush, does it now IDENTIFY as a Tree?

Ok! Enough of that.

So what are we “SENIORS” doing if not “Affiliate Marketing?” I don’t know, probably everything a young person does. But, maybe a little “Genealogy”, after all, we love old stuff, right? We’d probably get into “Blogging”.

What could we possibly “Blog” about? Expiring maybe? No! Since some of us have been around for so long, we know just about “Everything” there is to know about “Everything”, or we think we do, so we would “Blog” about that.

I Know Some Folks That Have Seen It All.

Ask Them About The War.

Which One?

All Of Them, Of Course.

I remember hearing “Billy Graham” talk about his childhood to the present. He died at the age of 99, and he described how he’s watched just about every form of “Technology Evolve”.

"a man looking up in the sky at all the technological advances over many years"

“Billy Looks Up And Sees Every For Of Technology”

I was around when “Johnny Cash” was in “Black” and “White”. I had the “Honor” befriend him in his later years. The first time I met him, there he was, all in “Black”, and his nose was a little “Red” from the sun.

I blurted, “Hey Johnny! I Remember You When You Were Black And White”, looking at his nose, I said, “You Sure Do Look Good In Color”. In a very low voice, he said, “Ha. Ha”.   

"Johnny Cash in his later years, and still in black"

“Hello! I’m Johnny Cash”

When I retired, I thought, hey I’ll just sit around, do some dishes, mow the lawn. I was bored out of my Gourd. If I didn’t find something to do, and fast, I would dry up and die. We all feel that way, we’ve been around the world and done a lot of things. It’s our time now.

Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategies For Seniors

So, What Made Me Think That I Could Ever Do This?

Starting A Business Online?

I Don’t Know, I Guess It’s From All Those Missing Brain Cells,

And I Still Haven’t Found Them.

"A man with steam coming out his ears angry with computer"

I’m slower than most when it comes to doing stuff like this. It’s not like it’s difficult, no, it’s because I have to go over what I’ve typed repeatedly. It must be my ADHD, OCD, and MOUSE acting up again. I would read whatever I typed over and over so there weren’t any miSs-staKes. That’s me though. 

Wealthy Affiliate Offers FREE Membership

So, let me tell you about the “WEALTHY AFFILIATE”, a Training Institute for “ANYTHING ONLINE”. The deal about  “WEALTHY AFFILIATE” is that of all the “Affiliate Marketing” Sites, this “Training Institute”  teaches you how to build your Website.

They offer all the Training that you will need to start an “Online”  Business for your own. The difference between “THOSE” guys and us, is the “Wealthy Affiliate offers  FREE Membership.

Yes, they provide you with a FREE Website and FREE Training, that’s Training that’s second to “NONE”. I know you have your doubts, so let me put your mind at ease.

Is The Wealthy Affiliate Legitimate?

If You’re Concerned About Our Legitimacy

Then Let’s Ask Sheriff Roy To Check It Out For Us, Ok?

HI! I’m Sheriff Roy!

"Sheriff Roy looking through a Magnifying Glass"

“CLICK on Sheriff Roy”

Let’s Start With The Better Business Bureau, They Gave Them an A+

Then I Used the Trust Pilot, Which Had Them Ranked at 4.9/5

And Last, the Scam Detector. It Gave the Wealthy Affiliate 100%.

This link Is a Thorough Review of the Wealthy Affiliate.

Review the Other Companies To Check On Their Legitimacy.

I Recommend the Scam Detector.


“CLICK on Me”

This and other Reviews should help you determine whether you should sign up with us or not. At this time, it should be apparent that I no longer take any chances, and that I have Companies Extensively Checked Out now.

For the Future, Have EVERYBODY Checked Out,

Use the SCAM DETECTOR, and You Won’t Regret It.

Are There Any SENIORS Doing This?  

So, you may say, “I’m Just Too “DARN” Old To Be Doing This”, “Besides, Are There Any “SENIORS” Doing This, And Are Any Of Them Successful At It?”

Well, there are quite a few “SENIORS” doing this. With 5 BILLION people on the Internet, of “ALL” walks of life, there are many “SENIORS” on the Web today.

The Wealthy Affiliate has over 2.7 MILLION Members, and several of them are “SENIORS”.

Seniors, JOIN the Wealthy Affiliate for FREE. Please continue to read the rest of this article because it applies to you. Please don’t think you’re too old to start something Online. I’m retired now and I’m having a blast.

My friend is a “SENIOR CITIZEN”, and a member of the “Wealthy Affiliate”, He was a Lawyer in Family, Criminal, and Civil Law for over 38 years. He was a “Champion in the Sport of Rowing”, he’s a “Wellness Coach”, and “Owner of a Consulting Firm”. This man has over “3 SUCCESSFUL WEBSITES”. 


"This is Phil, one of the members of the Wealthy Affiliate"

This is my friend Phil. I’ll let him tell his story. “I weigh the same as I did when I was 18 and remain seriously fit and healthy. After 48 years in IT, I retired reasonably well off. But a combination of bad luck and bad decisions left me broke at the age of 74. So I’m determined to derive a substantial “Online” income and will devote whatever is necessary to achieve that”.

UPDATE: I Turn 80 in April 2024 and have around 30 websites producing a substantial income.

Wealthy Affiliate has the best Training in the business and is far and away the best place to start. It was my starting point and I recommend it to anyone who wants to get going with an Online Business.

So “SENIORS”, here are some very “POWERFUL STRATEGIES”. Don’t let the name “Wealthy Affiliate” fool you. They teach you all aspects of the business. For example, what I chose to do with my “Website” is to be an “AFFILIATE” for Wealthy Affiliate

I tell people about the services that they provide, there’s a lot that you can do at the “Wealthy Affiliate”.

Do you want to do what I do and  WRITE ARTICLES”? You see, this Website” is being designed to promote the Wealthy Affiliate, as well as other products that I will test and write about. Presently, I am trying to develop a Readership as well as promote this brand.

I’ve started a series about an old “Mountain Man” named “Alan” who is on the internet as an “Affiliate Marketer”. The stories are a little comical, as he has many adventures. Sure, I want people to support my website, but I also want them to come back to read the stories. “ClICK” on his picture below, and meet “Alan”.

"Alan sits in the front row of the classroom, the kids throw Spit Balls at him, but he wonders, "How Can Seniors Learn To Be Successful Affiliate Marketers?"

“Alan Goes Back To School”

The second domain that I own “will” deal with “Adults with ADHD”. I would like to have “Counselors”  available to offer their services, such as a “Psychiatrist” who specializes in this condition, and a “Dietician” who offers very specific diet plans because food can either help “Therapeutically” or hinder any available treatment.

I wrote “76 Stories” about a little boy, guess who? who saw life a little differently than most kids. Sometimes a good laugh can be treatment enough. There are also “Therapeutic Tools” that help as well, like an “Electronic DayTimer” designed by an “Adult With ADHD” for an “Adult” with the same condition.

Okay “SENIOR”, how about a store? My 3rd “Website” will sell specialized items for the kitchen. These are gadgets that all “Chefs” and serious “Cooks” would love to have.

Now, since I’m riddled with “ADHD”, and I like to say, with a smattering of “OCD”, my mentor feels that I should concentrate all my efforts on this “Website” before I start the other two.

The “Wealthy Affiliate” teaches you all about building your “Website”, all about the search engines that Google uses, and what it needs to give you exposure to the world. This is “NOT” a Get-Rich-Plan, it takes a lot of work. But once you start, it’s hard to stop.

So, I ask you, do you want to “BUILD A STORE”, or “WRITE A BLOG?”

Most importantly, do you want to be an “AFFILIATE MARKETER?”

If you want to train as an “AFFILIATE MARKETER”, they will introduce you to several thousand “AFFILIATES” that need your help. No sense in looking around for “AFFILIATES”, they’re all here. At the “WEALTHY AFFILIATE,” you can do WHATEVER” you want, and they will train you.


"Alan with an Large Announcer"s Microphone"

“This Is The Old Time Hour”

We interrupt the “Old Fashioned Hour” to tell you about the Wealthy Affiliate, the “ONLINE BUSINESS” that is sweeping the whole wide world.

Today, in society, “AFFILIATE MARKETERS” are finding it very difficult to find honorable and ethical “AFFILIATE TRAINING CENTERS” nowadays that offer real training for the Entrepreneur.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our Training is second to none. There are thousands of hours of Training, hundreds of hours of videos, and the most Technologically Advanced Training today. WEALTHY AFFILIATE” has over “2.7 MILLION MEMBERS”.

Why? Because they “ALL” know who the leader in “AFFILIATE MARKETING” is The “WEALTHY AFFILIATE” truly is #1 in Affiliate Marketing based on over 50,000 independent reviews.

Even if you decide not to come on board, I would like you to come back as my guest. I am attempting to develop a readership of sorts. So, come back and hang with me, I try to write 1 Article a day, mostly about “SENIOR CITIZENS”.
I Take A Slightly Comical Approach To Writing, Such As,

"Alan and Sandy Waters, from Station WINK, together to talk about his new book, "Empower Your Retirement: FREE Affiliate Marketing For SENIORS". He STUTTERS when ever he gets near her because of her beauty"

“Online Jobs For SENIORS”


"Alan jumping up and down with his cats; jumping for joy"
“Website Creation For SENIORS”


"Andy and Bubba sit in front of a computer"

“Online Jobs For SENIORS At Home”


"An Artist paints everything in sight"

“How To Be Creative Online Using AI”


"Alan and his senior friends looking in the dirt for work"
“Find Work Online For SENIORS”


Please read the links above.
Let me know what you think by leaving “COMMENTS”.

If you’re interested CLICK HERE.  Oh, don’t worry, you don’t have to go anywhere, you can stay home and you’ll still be introduced to a whole new world. You see, at Wealthy Affiliate the place is loaded with people our age, and some, a lot older.

And you know what?

They’re kicking butt.

Let me tell you, there are some very Successful Entrepreneurs on the line. If you have any questions, they’ve got the answers,  And if you’re stuck, they’re there for you.

This is a service like we once remembered, back in the day when they would cater to our every need when they would pump our gas and clean our windshields. Wealthy Affiliate is that way.

The founders spend a lot of time on the chat line too. The founders don’t think of themselves, they make it all about us.

So come and join for FREE, and if you don’t like it, then there’s no harm, no foul. You don’t even need a credit card to get in. WHO DOES THAT? You don’t see old-fashioned service like that anymore. 

So, Come One!

Come All!

And Don’t Miss Out On Something

That Can Be So Lucrative For You. 



We hope to see you on the inside.

So, if you want to join us then: JOIN ME

No Credit Card Required 

    AbstractAlan says

"This is Alan putting his teeth in"

   “I Gotz Ma Teet In”

           CLICK On Me


16 thoughts on “Empower SENIOR Years: Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategy”

  1. What an uplifting read! Your journey into affiliate marketing after a fulfilling career in nursing is truly inspiring. It’s heartening to see seniors like you embracing the digital age with such enthusiasm.

    Your anecdotes about encounters with younger generations add a humorous touch. The recommendation for Wealthy Affiliate, especially their free trial without the need for a credit card, is a valuable insight.

    Your call to action is inviting and inclusive, encouraging fellow seniors to join the online community. Thanks for sharing your story and motivating others to explore new opportunities in the digital world!

  2. Your blog post on affiliate marketing for seniors is a gem! The way you break down the process into manageable steps makes it so approachable. Have you encountered specific challenges or misconceptions seniors might face when starting in affiliate marketing? I believe your insights could help dispel any doubts. Personally, I’ve found affiliate marketing to be a fantastic way to generate passive income, but it can take time to build momentum.

    Your emphasis on leveraging social media and online communities for promotion is spot on. It’s a powerful way to reach a broader audience. Have you explored any niche markets or specific products that resonate particularly well with seniors? Sharing that kind of targeted advice could be incredibly beneficial. Thanks for providing such practical guidance tailored for seniors diving into affiliate marketing!

    • Hey Pasindu, We’ve got to stop meeting like this, it’s like I know you. Thank you for your k

      ind words. I think that a senior has the same interests that he had when he was a child because it’s nostalgic to him. Now if you can be an affiliate to geneology.com that may be of particular interest to us. As I stated in previous comments, I am very new at this and I am trying to develop readership, however  you sound like you have found some success in you endeavor. I would be interested in picking your brain. You sound quite knowledgable.

      Thank you again for your kind words

      Respectfully rAlan aka AbstractAlan

  3. This is the good thing about affiliate marketing even if you are getting up there or already up there in age you can still have an online business. It takes knowing what you are interested in and doing your homework work well, even if you never had any training in this line of work you can still learn how to do this business. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Thank you Norman for the kind words. You know they you are as old as you feel

      Right now Ifeel old because I just woke up

      Have a great day today


      Alan aka AbstractAlan

  4. Hi there Alan! So, Affiliate Marketing – a whole new world for seniors, right? It’s not just for the tech wizards. I stumbled into this online business avenue and my mentor at the time was a 76 year old veteran. He taught me well and most of the things I know are because of him. Wealthy Affiliate is a wonderful way to start – for anyone, but specially for those who are completely brand new and need a little more help developing their business. 

  5. Personally I’ve had found that wealthy affiliate has been something that has added a lot of value to my life. But I am good with computers and I’m young. For seniors they have a harder time with computers. And it can be frustrating in the technical challenges. Wealthy affiliated is awesome for minimizing those. But it can be an awesome thing to pursue your passions and have a lot of fun at the same time. Not to mention the financial benefits. Have a Good day. Good luck.

    • I helped build the USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 Air Craft Carrier back in 1986, they installed a computer that they had in the warehouse, brand new out of the box. It was built in 1948. The computer was 9′ x6′ x5′ in dimensions. It only had 4k of memory and it ran the final approach program using a mylar tape…it was only 96,000 bytes of data. Yet, it landed a million dollar aircraft on to the runway. Why? Because it worked, but that was considered technologically advanced for the time. Today we can’t even turn our phone on with that kind of memory.

      Thanks Always Jake


  6. I am not a senior, but I am new to affiliate marketing through WA. Which has been totally life changing for me. I can definitely see how this would be a great online business for seniors. It is fairly easy to learn and follow along with. Without too much technology. They do a great job of keeping it simple, and everything in one central hub, and is easy to find. 

  7. Hi there 

    Your journey to Affiliate marketing is so inspiring, I like the way how you say things it makes it interesting.

    I like your blog a lot and I would definitely read more. your content is nicely put. and there is so much good info on there I wish all the best.

    Thanks for shearing    

  8. I am truly impressed by your enthusiasm and your active engagement in keeping up with modern trends. Age should not be a limitation for most things, especially in this digital era. It can even bring some new experiences, connections, and knowledge easily. Additionally, age brings its knowledge and wisdom. My mother is a retired doctor and nutritionist, and she has been retired for two years now. Despite that, she remains very active on social media, offering consultations and sharing her knowledge both online and in person. She particularly focuses on supplementation. She radiates a calmness, knowledge, and understanding of people that comes with age. All generations appreciate her greatly and they trust her recommendations and advices. So, all the praise to you, and encouragement to everyone to embrace and enjoy the benefits of the modern age and technology.

    • hanks Marko, Yet there’s all that Damn texting and nobody wants to hear the human voice by phone anymore.

      Thank you


      Alan aka AbstractAlan


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